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84 Chap.z, ACemnterttarievpot, ed, that they are baptifed , and thereby made members ofthe Church. I anfaver : that faith makes vs members ofChrifí, and confequently ofthe truc Church : and baptifme doth but leale our intïtion into Chrifl', and ferues as a meanes ofAdmiffion into the outward (ocietie of the congregation : and the out. S ward wafflingdoth notmake any man a member of Chrift. Againe, it followes hence, that fadebrethren are not members ofthe Catholike church. For the vifible church is part of the Catholike : and therefore they whicharc not reali membersof the truevifiblechurch,are not members of theCatholike. t 0 Againe , in that falfe brethren creepe into the congregation, hence it appeares, that no man can let downe the precife time, when errours had their beginning. For the authors thereofcn-I ter in fecretly, not obferuedofmen. The emsiotu mar,fowes his tares , when menbe afleepe,Math. r 3. It futficeth therefore, ifwe t,s can (hew them to be errours by the word, though wecannot defigne the fit time when they began. The time when a fhippe finketh, we often obicrue : but the time when it firft drew wa- ter, we doe not. Let the Papitis thinkevpon this. Paul, hawing thus declared who were the caufes that Titus xo was not círcnntcifed; goes on,and fhewes,how they were cau- les. The effett,and fummeofhis declaration, is this : They vr- ged the obferuation of the Ceremonial! law, as neceffarie: and hereupon we refuted to circumcife Titus. Firff therefore, Paul lets downe how they vrged circumcifion, and that by threede- a rces.Firíl,they come isprimly. Secondiy,they f to ont their hbe:. tie. Thirdly,they labour tobring them into bondage. Againe,Paul lets downe the manner oftheir refufall,in three things. Wegore notplacefor an home. 'We gane not place byfabieflian. Wegate 110 place, that the teeth o f theGo,/pel might continuewithyon. so The firiI degree or 'Heppe in their vrging ofcircumcifion, was, that They carne inpriuily : that is, they ioyned themfelues in fellowthip with the ApofIles, & in Phewpretended the fitrthe- rance of theCofpel:&yet indeed meant nothing lefTe: though their fraud,&wickedneswas not perceiucd . Here then the fort- 35 dation they lay ofall their nau htiedealing, is their difTébling, whichPaul herenotes &condemns. On the contrarie,our du- tie is,to be indeed that which we profefheour felues to be: & to proreffe no more outwardly,thcn we are inwardly : and toap- proue ourhearts to ;od,for that whichweprofefle beforem The..