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the Epifile tothe Calatian,. Chap.2. The fecond fleppe or degree is, that they/pieold the labertie vv&ich Paul, and the re11 had Gy Chrill : that is, they confine with theApoflies,and inquire ofthem what Bettie they haue by Chrifl,in refpeEt ofthe Ceremonial! lawe of God: and this theydoe,not ofamincie defirous to learne, but for aduantage fake.Thcrebe twokinds offpying:onelawcfull,thc other vn- lawefull. Lawefull, as when in iuft and lawefull warre,we in- quire into the counfellsand doings ofour enemtes.Numb. i 3. r . Vnlawefull, when men prie into any thing , or matter, to z.o finde a fault. Thus hypocrites fpie faults in the perfons and hues ofmen;that they may haue fomwhat whereby to difgrace i them , Math. 7.4. Thus Atheifls prie into the fcriptures,that they may confute them.Thus fundriehearers,come to fermis; that they may carpe. Thusour enemies, inquire intoour reli- 15 gion, that they may finde (as, they fuppofe) exceptions ,. vn- truthes,and contradiE}ions . And in the Church ofIerufaletn,. falle brethren inquire,how farce Chrifban liberty extends,that- they mayouerthrow it. This kind of fpying , is a common fault;wenruft take heede ofit , andapply the eie °four mincie 2.0 to -a better vfe.Firfl, we are to be (pies , in rcfpcE3 °fourowne finnea,andcorruptions,to fpie them out. Lam. 3. 9o. 'Let vs fearchekr maie.r,and inquire,and trrne agsine to the LordAgain, weare to plaie the (pies, in refpeE} of our fpirituall enemies,, that we may finde out the temptations ofthe flefh, the world, 25 and the deuill.Thirdly, we mull be as-fpies, in fearchingofthe- Scriptures,Ioit.5.39. that we mayvnderfland the-wordsofthc' lawe of God,and find comfort to our foules. The third and Jail degreeofurging, i.s,, that the falfc bre. thren feeke to bring the _pofiles inbonalage, that is, to- bnde 30 them to a necfiaric obferuation oftheectettioniall;awe..lire let vs marke the praettfe, and poliicie of thedeuill . Libertie- from finne,death,and the ceremonial! lawn , is thetreafure of the C!uurch:and therefore the. deuill feekes to oúerthrow it,by holding men in bondage vnderabol;!lied ceremonies.Thus at 35 this day,theyofthe popifh Church , are in bondageunder, ars heape ofhumane traditions,beeing indeede,a voake farrchca- nier.thenthatofthe ceremonial! lave Agaìne whenmen- profeffe the name of Chriff,the dcuill is content with it:and he indcauours with all hismight,euerywhereto hold them under thebondage offnne are at and hold them in his fn hiswill. -- L 'T'lias, 8S