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the Epifle to the Galatians. Chap.2. f 89 hewettld. Chrift faith to all the - Apot1les , He that iswafted and is all cleane, muj?flill bane hisfette iva/bed, lob. 13.1o. Where.\ fors they arc tobe rebuked, that thinks thcrc mutt beno want at all in them that ate Preachers ofthc Gefpel: and hereupon 5 take occafion to defpife their Minifleric, if they can (pie any thing amiflc in their doings. Vpon the fame ground, they might teic t the Minificrie ofthe Apotllcs. For though they/ could not errs inpreaching, andwriting, and though theyhad no neede to be taught of anyman , yet were they not free from to finne in their litres ; and the chicleof them fundrie times fay.. 1cd. 1 Againe,here welearne,that there is a good,and lawful! kind of boafling : and that is, when a man is difgraced, and his dtf grace is the difhonour ofGod, and the drfgracc of the Gofpel. 8 5 This makesPaul here to fav,that helearnednothingofthechiefá '041 lei. For ifhehad laid othcrwife, hefhould haue bin repu- ted to beno more but anordinarie difciple : and the dofirine, which he taught before this conference, fhould haue bincalled ! in queflion. For this caul, he (lands vpon it, that they did not 20 communicate any thing vntohim. Vpon the like occafionhe profeTTeth that hewill boaft, s.Cor. s t s 6. Here the fayingof Salomonmay be obiated, Let an other mans mouthpraife thee, and not thine azvne, Prou. 27. 2. i antvcr, it fufficcth for the truth of fundrie prouerbs, if they be commonly, ordinarily, 25 andvfually true,though theybe not generally true.Thusarch- narily,menare not to praife themfelues: yet in a fpeciall andex- traordinarie cafe, it maybe otherwife, And the manner which. Paul vfeth in commendingofhimfelfe,is to be obferued. Fitt}, he doth it in great modeflie : becaufe in (peakingof hirnfelfe, 30 he concealeth that part ofthe fentence, which fhould haue kr- ucd to expreffe his praife. Secondiy, inpraifing ofhimfclfc,hc is not carried with enuic, but hiscare is, to maintains thegood name of the refl ofthe Apoftles ; when he faith, What theyhaste bin,it is no"natter to me. Here then we fee, that the Aif:cifls 35 doePaul wrong, who challenge him for pride, andprcfump- ., Lion, as though he could not brooke in equall , and withal/ skorned to learne ofany. Againe, byPauls example weare to take notice of a common (inne. Mens hearts are fo pofctfed with felfe-loue, and they are fo addiEled to their owns praife, that it is griefe to them, tohears any prided betide thedelues : I M r whereas 1