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90 Chap. s. .?Comrnentarie span whereas loue binds vsas vwell "to take care for the good name ofothers, as ofour owne. When Paul faith , What they were in timespal? ,.it sttariersnot tome: we learne, that we arc to e(leemeof men, not as they i haue bin,but as they arc. Peter, Iames, and Iohn, though they 5 hadbin fi[hcrrucn , yet are they honouredof Paul,asApotties. Therefore when men haue repented , we may notupbraid the with their hues paff. Neither may we take occafion to con. tonne them that be in authoritie ; becaufcwe haue knowne what they haue bin heretofore : but euery man is to be c(lee- to I med according to his calling , and according to the graceof God giuen him. Like is Godsmerciful! dealing toward vs. For he accepts men , not as they haue bin , but as they arc when they repent. Therefore if Sathan (hall, at any time obie& thy life pact : fay vntohim thus : Telimemit lrhat 1Kane binbut tell r s me rphat I arc, and what I mil 6e. Thisfufficeth when we re- pent. Godaccepteth theperfon ofno man] Byperlon ismeant, not the fubilance of a man, or theman himfcife, but the outward qualitie,or conditionofman,as countrey, fexe,birth,conditìon 20 oflife , riches, pouertie, nobilitie, wifdome, learning, &c. And God is laide, not to accept the perfön , becaufe he doth call men, bellow his gifts, and glue judgement, according tohis owne wifeand lull pleafure , andnot according to the outward ap pearancc,and conditionoftheperfon.Read Iob.3 4. i 9.It may 25 be obie&ed, that God deales not equally with them that aree- quail : becaufc all men ,are equal( in Adam , and ofthem he choofcthTome to eternal( life, and refufeth others. I anfwer: he is laid toaccept perlons , that deales vnequal!y with men, bee - ing bound todealt equally : now God is not thus bound : be- 30 caule he is a foueraignc, and abfolute Lord ouer all his crea- tures,and maydoe withhis owne what he will, Math.20.16. Secondly, it may be obietled, that God had refpetl to Abel,and lid facriftce, Gen. 4.4. An¡,' The condition ofman is twofold, outward , inward. Outward, (landes inworldly,and ciuill re- 35 fpeells. Inward, (landes in apure heart, good confcience,.and faithvnfained. For this oncly was Abel relpeíled, Hcbr. i r .4.. ThoughGod acceptnot the outward perfon,yet in euery nati. an he thatfeareth God, is acceptedofhim, Aì. r 0.34. Thirdly,it may be obieiled , that God iudgeth euery man according to his