Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

. _ e . . r.. . _ _ his workes. Ánf: Though workes appcare outwardly, yet the mote and ground of them, is in the heart. And the judgement ofGod is according tothem, as they are fruits of the faithof the heart. =5 Thevfc. All men are in this to be likeunto God their hea- uenly father: not accepting perlons in their dealings. As Magi - ferates in the execluution of iuf}ice, Dent. r, i 7. Miniflcrs in teaching, and in the reproouing of finne, Mark. i 2.i 4. and all belecuers , whoare not to haue religion in acceptationof per- t. o tons, lam. r 2. I. This acceptation istheruine oftocieties. And it is the.common fault. For vfuallycleaions are made, offices bellowed , and iuflice excquuted with partialttie, and with blind refpeas tocountrey ,kinred,friendthip,money. Sccondly,we arcail taught, to fears the judgement ofGod, t 5 ' and to prepare our fclues with all diligence, that we may be found worthie to f}and beforeGod, in that great day. For we muff comenaked before him , and hewill haue no refpeft to our birth, ourriches, our learning. Therefore it is good for vs now to puton Chri1}, that in him we maybe accepted. For 20 with him the father is well pleated. Thirdly,we maynot let our heartsvpon the outward things of this world : becaufc God doth not renal vs for them. But wearc earneffly to lecke after the things that makevs accepted with God ; as true faith, righteoufnes, and good confctence. tt5 Rom.14.17, Againe,fuperioursmuff beadmoniflied to deale;moderate- lywith their inferiours,Colofi. z. t I. Againc, infcriours are to comfort themlelues,iftheybeopprefí'ed:in that God the iudge ofall, accepts no perfons. o Laf}Iy , here we learue *that when we (hall haue immediate - fellowih p with God3n heauen , all outward refpea of per- fons (hall ceafe. God himfelfe , and the lamb Chtifi lefus,fhall be all in all to the EIea}. Ì In the ende oftheverle, Paul addes : for theycommunicated 31 nothing to me. but to thecontrarieRoma ia.mav heobieEi;ed. Where Paul defirestoécmr to korné,1h t he might to co for- ted6y their r attrsa llfaith'bathhis;andtheirs. Anfr. Thoutthe Apoflles did communicatenothing toPaul in refpeet,of. do- urine, or iudgemenn,yct mightthey, or the meaneff beleeuers, confine fomething unto him , in reifpcaof comfort, or the +{ co- i n -wwr--...e.. , lr 2