Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

94 4 A 4-4 C hp ACenonentaeie vpen that he fhould firfi preach to the Gentiles , and zn the fecond placeto thepeople oflirael,Atf.9.16.1t maybe obie&td,that thecommiffion of all the Apottles , was to goe into all thc Iworld,and to preach to all men without exception , M. t 6. t 5. Anfwer.Tins powerand libertie, (Anal gale to all the A., pottles,andhedid not take &away afterward: ncuerthelefre,he ordered it-by aficond decree , that Pauffhould fpecially hauc careofthe Gentiles,and Pete: of the Jewel. And this theLord idid in great vvifdonic , that tonfufion and &cord might be a- uoided,and a regard had ofall prouinces through the world. to Fleneit foliowes,that the primacie of Pea-jotter Iewes & Gentiles,is a fuppofed thing.For theordinanceofGod,is, that Peter (hall be chelfe otter the Jetty: , and not otter the Gentiles, which almoftall the world befide.And thus the fuprema tie of thePope goes to theground, for ifhe hold ofPcter,and ' 5 (mace& him inauthoritie,and oftice,(ashe pretends)he mull challengea fuperiorinc ouer thekwes,andhe hathnothing to doewithvs. .For-Paul was cheife ouertheGentiles, andnot Peter. Secondly , this Ordinance of God giues vs to vnderflancf, 20 that the place,Math. t 6.18.7houart Teter , and vpon thisrocke will 1 . bnild Chtircb,CT. and 11141gitie thee the kftesofihe king- dom ofheatien:doth not containsa promife made toPeter, ofa primacieoucr all the Apoftles,and ouer the Catholike church. IfChrifl had meant any filch thing,in therewords , he would 25 not haue affignedthe !ewes to Maxid all the nations of the worldbefide,toPaulThusWe fee,b6w this text, for manyhia- dredyeares, bath beene abufed,and is Dill ,at this day. Thirdly,it is falle which thePapal teach ,that the place in S.Tohn, Feede »y lambes,ancl,feede fileepe , giucs a primacie 3o toPeter,ouer the whole world. For by theOrdinance of God, this feedingoflambes,and fbeep,islimited to the nation ofthe Iewcs. Laflly,whereas Eufebius faith in his Chronicle, that Peter was Bifhopof Rome,and fate there 2 5.yeares , it hath no like. ;5 'hood oftruth : for then Peter hued in the breach ofan e, . ipreffecommandement of God, for a longfin becaufè the Imes werehis fpeciall charge. Agatha it is to be obferued in this text, that Tames,Pefer, John arc made quail ,all beeing pillars; andIamcs is firft na- end: