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the Epßle,to the Galatixes. Chaps. ,med:and that not without caufe.For not Peter, but Tames was the Prefident ofthe councell of Ierufalem : becaufe. he fpake the laf},and concluded all,A41. t 5I 3. Therefore the firft na- ming of Peter , in other places offcripture , isnofuicient 5 proofe ofhis fupremacie. Thirdly,Peter here isPaid to makeacouenant with Paul,th4t beJha11be the .Apotle ofthe Gentiki,and Peter ofthe levees . But ifPeter had bin head ofthc Church for s 4,yeares togither;and had but known theprimacie,which the Papif}sglue tohim,he o would not haueconfcnted to this order. It is alleadgcd , that Paul was the cheifc Apof}le ouer theGentiles, in refpea of paints and labour,and not in refpe&of iurifdié}ion. I anfwer, this dif}in Lionhathno ground in theword ofGod. Againe, Paul was an Apof}lc,and vied hisApollolicall authoritic oucr s 5 theGentiles:and there is no Ecciefiaflicallperfonthat is,or can be aboue an Apof}le. For he was limply to be belecued in preaching and writing, and had extraordinaric power given him by God,to punifh them that rebelled. Againe,Paul here faith , that the Çefpel was committed to him go andTeter,thatis,that theywere put intruf}with it. Hence we learne 9.things.The firf},that theGofpcl is notours,but gods; and that men arcbutthe keepers ofit.For this we are to pralle God.The fecond is,that the minif}ersof theword,are to keep, 'andmaiintainc the truth ofit , with all faithfulneffe and good as confcience:and further, toapply it to the bell vie, and to the greaten goodof men.For this charge lies upon them that are putin tru(}. The third is , that the Gofpel is -a fpeciall treafurc.° For this,we in England are toglue veto Godall thankfulncs, fpecially,by bringing forth thefruits ofthe Gofpe!. In this du- 3o tie the moil ofvs come fhort:and therlorewe may iuf}ly fearer -leaf} God take from vs the gofpel oflife, and giuc it to a nati- on,that will bringforth the fruit ofit. Moreouer,in that Paul faith,that Godwets "nightie brhim;and Peter,to the ?ewes and fentsles,wc arc to confider the efhcacie 35 ofthe Minif}eric.Ofitthree cautions are tobeoblerued. The firtLthat graceor power to regenerate , is not included-in the word preacheel,as vertue toheale,in amedicine:Paulfaith, He that plantetth,and he that tvateretb if not any thirg, r.Cor.3.7.To regenerate , is theproper worke ofGod , notagreeing:to an- gels,stonot to theflefh ofChrif} , exalted about men andan- * _.prk_ gels, 95 ___. _.-- 3