Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

sa sew sv& 1. fJ/1111 arr. 1{ 19 full preachingofit : Iynderfiand ir,andhaue receiuedcomfort by it. Io LafIJy, at this time God might powre hisfull wrathon mee : which lice doth not,but mercifully tnaketh me to feelemine owne wantes,that1 mightbe humbled, andgiueall glorievoto him for his bleflings. Wherefóre, there is no caule why I niouldbee difquieted: but I will truft ífí11 in the Lord, and depend onhim, as Ihaue done. Srth.xn.T hou feelefl nograceoftlteholieGhofl in thee,norany true tokens offaith, but thou haft aliuelyfènfc ofthe rebellion ofthyheart, and ofthÿ lewd and wretched conuerfation : therefore thou canfl not put anyeconfidence in Chrifls death and fuffer:ngs. Chr:Jtihn. Yet Ivvill hope againfl all hope, and although, according to mineovvne fenfc and feeling, I want faith yet I will beleeue in lefùsChriff,. Pra.32.r. and trufi tobe fattedby him. 2.Cor.5.2r. Sat han. Though the childrenofGodhaue been inmany perplexities, yet ncueranieofthemhauebeene ih this cafe,in whichthouart at thisprefent. Chriff:an.Hereinthou prouefi thy felfto bea lying fpirit : for the Prophet Dauid faith ofhimfelfe, that heewas foolifh, and as a beafl beforeGod: and yethee euen then tufted in Goti. And Paul was foledde captiue of finne, Pfa.73.2a. that hee was notableto doe the goodhec«ould, but did the euillwbich bee t, a3 bated : and fo in great penfueneffe ofheart, defined to bedeliuercd from this ao 7.t2.21 world, thathee might bee disburdenedofhis corrupt flefh. Sathan. Thoumiferable wretch, doeff thou feele thy felfegraceleffe, and wilt thou beare the face ofaChriflian ? and by thyhypocrifie offendGod ? as thouart,fo Phew thy felfe to theworld. Cbri`lian. Auoide Sathan,Chrifl bath vnquifIied, and ouercomee thee foe my caufe, that Imight alto triumph ouer thee.! am no hypocrite : forwhere- as I haue had heretofore force teflitnonie of my faith, at this time I am flefle tnoued, though faith fcerne to bee abfent: like as a man maye feeme tobedeade, both in his ownefenfè, and by the iudgement ofthe Phifition, and yet maye haue life in him fo faith maye bee, though aiwaies it doe not appeare. Sachan. Butthouarta manflarke deadin Panne, Godbathnow quite for- faken thee: bee bath left theevetome to be ruled: he bath giuen meepowero- tter thee, to bringthee rodamnation : heewill not haue thee totroll inhim any longer. ('hrifii. w. Strengthenmee good Lorde ; rememberthymercifull promifes, that thou wilt reuiue thehutnhlc,and giue life to them thatareofacontrite I1a$7.t5 heart. Sgtban. Thefepromifésconcernenot thee,which hail no.humbleand con trite, but afroward, anda rebellious heart. Chrifian. Good Lorde forget not thy former mercies : gluean Me to these temptationsofnineenetnic Sachan. Andyoumy brethren, whichknow my chate, praye for mee, that God would turnehis fauorable countenance towards-