Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

I20 -o towardsmee : for this l knowe, that theprayer ofthe righteous anayleth much, 'fit bee feruent. HOWE A MAN SHOVLD APPLIE ARIGHT the wordeofGod to hisowne foule. I. Very ChriRian containeth in himfelFetwo natures, flat contrarie theoneto the other, the Bella and the fpirit : and that bee maye become a perfeaman in Chrift Iefus, his earneft indeuour muffbee, to tame, and fubdue the flefh, and to ftrengthen & confirme thefpirit. II Anftiverable to thefe two natures, are the two partsof Gods worde. Firft, the Lawe, becaufe it is the miniflerieofdeath, it fitly ferueth for the taming and maflering ofthe rebel- lious flefh : and the Gofpell containing the boúntifull promifes of GOD in ChriR, is as oyle, topower into our wounds, and as thewater oflife,to quench ourthirltie foules : and it fitly ferueth for the Rrengtheningofthe fpirit. III Well then, art thou fecure?Art thou proneto euill? Feeleff thou that thy re- bellious flcíh carrieth thee captiue voto finne? Looke noweonely vpon the laweofGOD, apply it to thy feile,examine thythoughts, thy words, thydeeds it.onz.ß. 16 by it: prayvntoGOD,thatbee would giue thee the fpirit offeare, that the lawe rc48. 14, may inTome meafure humble andterrific thee : for (as Salomon faith) bleffed is theman that fèareth alwaies, but curled isbee that hardenethhis heart. I.V. In the Lawe, thcfearemoil effeétuall meditations tobumble and bridle the flefh, which fbllow. Pita, meditate on the greatnesof thyhones, andof their infinite number : and Wit roue bee, gatherthem into a Catalogue, let it before thee : and !coke' vnto it, that thou thinkeno finnetobee a finall finne, no not s thebare thoughtsand motions ofthyheart. Often with diligenceconfider the ('orange iudge:nentes ofGOD vpon men , for their fumes , which thou fhalt finde , partly in the Scriptures , partly by daily experience. Doubtleffe thou rnufl thinke , that eucrie iudgement of GOD , is a fermon ofrepentance. Da ta, z 4 Thinke oft on the fearefull curie of the lawe due vnto thee, if thou fhoul- r , a;e 7. ,, dell fume neuer but once in all thy life, and that neuer fo little : Remenr- z, ber, that wheufocuer thou commrttefl a finne, GOD is prefent, and -C his hohe Angels, and that lee is aneye.wítnes, that bee taketh a note ofthy faune, and regitlreth it in abooke. Thinke daylye ofthyende : and knowe that GOD maye alike thee with fodaine death euerye moment : and that , if then thou haue not repented before that tyme , there is no hope of ''i