Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

12 FHe;w $e app zt wor though theyhaue theplentifullpreachingofit. And thereafon is, becaufe they feelenotin themfelues the vertueand mightie operation of'Gods word, tore- nuethem: and they cannotfeele it, bicaufe they doe notapplie the worda- right vnto their owne foules. Play(Iers, except they bee applied in order and time, and bee laid vpon the wound, though theybee neuer fogood, yet they cannotheale : and foit iswith the word of God, and the pártes ofit, which except they beevied inorder and time conuenient,will nothtmbleand reuiue vs, astheir vertue is VIII. Thecommon Chriflianeuerye where is faultie in this thing. Whereas hee louethhimfelfe, andwifheth all good that maybee tohimfelfè, bee Bothvfual- 1yapplyvntohis owne foule the Gofpell alone neuer vegardingthe lawe, or fearching out finnesby it. Tellhim what yee will, his Fong is this; Godis mercifull, God is mercifull . By this meanes it commeth topafl'e, that bee leadetha fecurelife, and makethno confeience ofcouetoufnes, ofvfurie, ofde- ceitinhistrade, of lying, of fwearing, offornication, wantonnes, intempe- rancie inbobbingandquaffing, &c. But he playeth thevnskilfull Chirur ion, hevfethhealing plaiaers, beforehis poyfoned and cankred nature haueMt the powerand paineofaCorafiue. And it will neuer bee well with him, vntillhe takeanew courfe. IX. On the contrarie part, many good Chriflians leatie to applie the com- fort ofthe Gofpell to themfelues, andonelyhaue regardto their ownetimes, and Gods infinitevengeance. Andeuen when Sathan accufeththem, theywit not (licke to giue care to Sathan, and alto accule themfelues : and fo they arebrought intofearefullterrors, and often drawe neere to defperation. X. There is a thirdfort called Se6taries,who addi61themfelues to the opinion offomeman. Thefe commonly neuerapplie the law or the Gofpellto them- felues but their whole 'meditation is chiefly in the opinions ofhimwhome theyfollow. As they thatfollowe Luther, fewofthemfollowe his Chriflian life:theyregardnot that : but about confubflantiationandvbiquity, aboutl mages andfuck liketrumperie, they infinitly trouble themfelues, and allEu. rope too. Andin England thereisa fchifmaticall andvndifcret companie,thatwould feemetocryeout for difcipline,their whole talke is ofit, and yet they neither knoweit, nor will bee reformed by it, and yet theyare enemies to it : asfor the lawe ofGod, and the promifes ofthe Gofpell, they little regarde: they maintaine vile finnes in refufingtohearethe reading or thepreachingofthe word :and this isgreat contempt ofGods benefices and vnthankefulne(l'e to him.They arefull ofpride,thinkingthemfelues tobee ful,when theyare emp- tìe : to haueall knowledge when they areignorant,andhad need tobe catechi zed ; thepoyfon ofAfpesis undertheir lippes; theyrefutenot tofpeake millof the