Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

`t in( coprycte sce. 12,3 the bleffed feruantsofGOD. Well, doe they aboueall thingsfeeke the king_ dome ofGOD? then let them bee fincere feekers alit: which they (hall doe, ifinfeeking Chrifiskingdome theyfeeke the righteoufres thereof: vntowhich theycan neuer come butby the applying ofthe threatningsofthe lawe and thecófbrtsofthe Gofpel to theirowneconfciences.But whereas tthey feeke the oneandnot the other, theygiue all men to vnderftand with what fpirit they fpeake. CONSOLATIONS FOR THE TRO-VBLED confciencesofrepentant Sinners, Sinner.. Ood fir, I knowe a the Lord bathglumyou the a Efa. so. 4. tongue ofthe learned,to beable tominiftera tnordein time to him that is reearie c therefore I prayeyou helpe me in mymiferie. Mìniftcr. Ah mygood brotherwhat is themat- ter withyou?and what ayle you? Sinner. I liued a longtime,the Lordebeeknow- eth it, afterthe manner ofthe world, in all the lufles ofmy filthie flefh,and then I was neuer troubled : but ithath pleafedGOD ofhis mercie to touch myheart, and to fend his owne fonne that good fhepheardIefusChri f}, to fetch me hometo hisowne fold,euenvponhis owneneck:and lincethat time itis a wonderto feehowmy poore heart bathbeen troubled : my and Sathanwi! neuer let meealone. Mínífier. Your cafe is ab1eífed cafe: for not tobee troubledofSathan,is to beepofl 'effedofhim: that is,to beeheld captiue vnder b thepowerofdarkyes, bColofl. :. and to bee a flaueandvaffall ofSathan :for c as long as theffrong man keepes I s. the holdallthingsareinpeace:Contrariewife he that bathreceiued any fparkle d Mach, r6. of true faith, (hail feed the gatesofhell, that is, the Diuell andall his Angels IS in theirfullf}rength, to handvpagainfl him,&to fightwith an endles hatred for his fnallconfulion. Sinner.But this my trouble ofmind , bath made me oftentimes feare left Godwould reie&me, andutterly depriue me ofthe kingdome ofheauen. Minijter. But there is nocaufewhy it fhouldfo doe, Forhow fhouldhea- uenbee your rcliingplace, iron earth you werenot troubled? howcouldGod wipe awayyour teares fromyoureyes inheaué,ifon earth you (head themnot? Youwould beefree frommiferies, you looke forhcauenvpon earth. But ifyou Bradford' wiI goe toheauen,thc right way is to fayle by hell.If you evil fit atChrias table inhiskingdome; youmufl beewith him in his temptations. You are asGods come,you mutt therefore goe under the flaile, the fanne, the mdflone, and the