Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

126 Con .a atiolls or freemercie ofGod : whichhealtobathoffered toyouparticularly, firft inBap: tifine,thenafter in the LordsSupper : and thereforeyouare not towauer in the applyingofit toyour felfe. Thirdly , you areto confiderthat bydoubtingand defpairing youoffendGodas much almofi as byany other fin. a Towdo not a. ahem 418 s botaehope beleeue tinderhopeasyoufhoulddo.Secondly,you rob Godof hisglo- rie,in that you makehis infinit mercy to be lelfe than your fifties. Thirdly,you make him alyer,who bath made fuck a promife veto you. And to thefe three meditationsadcle thispradife. Whenyourheart is toyled withvnbeleefe and doubtings,then in ail hafte draw your felts into tome fecret pl acc,humbleyour felfebefore God,poure out your heart before him : dc1e himofhis endleffe mercie towork faith,andto fuppreffeyour vnbeleefe , and you íliallfee b That the Lordotter all is richvetoall that callupon his name. Chriftian, The Lord rewardyou for your kindneí%: I wilheerafter doe my endeuourto:pra6tife this yourcounfel.l ow I wil makebold to thewanother that makesme to feareleaf} I haue no faith. Axel it is,becaufe I donotfeels the affiaranceoftheforgiueneff ofmy Faith ffandethnot inthe feelingofGodsmercie,but in theappro. hendingofit,which apprehending maybewhenthere is nofeeling; forfaith is Kmn8.23. ofinuifible things,andwhenaman oncec6meth to enioy the thing beleeued, then heceafeth tobeleeue And this appearethin Iobs example,whenhe fayth, (Loe,though heflymeyet will trill'in him, and will reproone myPyles inhis light : h /hallbe myfalttationalfo:forthe hypocrite fhallnot come beforehire he declareth his faith: yet whenhefaith prefently afterward, wherferehide/I thou thyface,andtak,efi mefor thine enemy?hee declareth the want ofthat Feeling which you fpeakeof. ° Chriflian. Yee euery true beleeuer fecles the aflihrance of-faith : othervvife Paul weld not haue laid,Prooneyourfelues whetheryonare in thefaithor not. Minifler. Indeed fometimes he doth,butat foreother times hedothnot: as namely at that,fame time when God firfi calleth him and in thetimeof temptation. C,'hriftian. What a cafe am I in then ?Iüeuer felt this affurance : only this I feel that I am ainofi rebellious wretch,aboundingevenwith a whole feaofini- quities: t:iethinks I ammore vgly inthe fight ofGod, than any toad canbe in myfight. O thenwhat (hail I doe? letme heare fotne wordofcomfort from thy mouth thou manofGod. 1llintfter. Tdl me one thingplainelie : you fayyou fede'no affuranceof Godsmercie? ,Chriflian.No indeed. Mrnifter. But doe youdefinewith allyour heart to fide it? Chrifian. I doe indeed. Minrfler. Thendoubt not,you flìailfeele it. . Chriftian, Oblefíed be theLord,ifthis be true, Minifrer. Whys itis .moll true. For theman thatwould haueany grace of God,,