Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

rroutnea conic-Jew-es. 12 Chrsflian. Nay,nay,they appeareveryvile in mineeyes, and l.doe abhorre theta frothmy heart:and I wouldfaire beleeue. Ä.uinifler. In manwemull confider his of ate by nature, andhis elateby grace. In the f rí+, bee andhis flefh are all one , for they are as manandwife: ltom.q 5 therefore one is acceffarie to the doinges oftheother. When the flefhfinneth the man alto flnneth,that is in fubieClion to the flesh; yea when the flefhperi- íheth,theman likewifeperifheth,being in thi s eflate, with the flefh : a louing coupletheyare,they line anddie together. But in the ef+ateofgrace,though a manhaue the flefh inhiin,yethee andhis flefh are diuorcedafunder. This di. uorcement is made,v+hen a man begins todiflike and to hatehis flefh,and the Rom.7. s . euill finitesofit:this feparationbeingmade, they areno moreone,but twaine, and the one hathnothing todo with the other.In thiscafe though the flefhbe- .getfin,and perifh therfore,yetthe Chrifiian man fhallnot incurredamnation forit.To come more neere thematter; ou fay the flefh begets inyouvaue- rings, doubtings & dií+ruflings:what then? it troubleth you,but fèare not,re- member your ellate; you are diuorced from the flefh , &you arenew married vetoChrif : if theft finnesbee laydatyour doore, account them notas your children,but renounce them asPaftards:faywithPaule,I doubt indeede, but I hatemydoubtin`sand I amnocaule ofthefe, but the flefh inmewhich fhaU perifh when I (hall be faced by Chrift. Chriflian. This which you hauePaid doth inpart content mee : one thing more I prayyou thewme concerning thispoint : namelie how I may bee able toouercomethefedoubtings. Minift. For thefuppreffing ofdoubtings,youare to viethree meditations. t.Iotí.3. z ;á The firf+,that it is Gods commandement thatyou fhould beleeue in Chrifl: SoS. Johnfayth,Thiss is his cammandement that tree beleeuein the nameofhis forme lefite Chrifl.Thou fhalt not fleale is Gods commandement, and youare loth tobreake it , leaflyou should difpleaft God and pull his curie vnon your head. This alto isGods commaundement, thou fhalt beleeue in Christ, and therefore youmutt take heed ofthe breachofit:leaf+bydoubting and wane- ringyoubringthe curie vponyou. Secondly, youmull confider that thepro- :xrifes òffaluation in Chrift are geeerall,or at the leaf+ indefinite excluding no particular man : as in one for all may appeare. Godfo louedthe worlde that hee gamehisonlbegotteufonhe,that rvhofoeaaerbeleeìtethinhimfhauld not perifbbut haue euerlafting life.Now then,fo often asyou thatdoubt ofGods mercie,you exclude yourown felf from the promife ofGod,wheras he excludeth younot. Andas whenaPrincegines a pardon to alltheeucs, 'entry one can applythe famevnto himfelfe, though hisnamebeenotPet downe in thepardon So the Kingofkings hathgiuen agenerall pardonforfree remiflion offinnes,to the that will receiueit.Beleeuetherfore that God is true inhis promife, doubtnot ofyour own faluation, chalenge thepardon toyour felfe. Indeed your name is not fetdowne, orwritteninthe promifeofgrace;yetletnotanyillufionofSa- than,ortheconfiderationofyour ownvnworthineffe exclude you from this i free