Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Ii$, ConfoZ;taonsfor and repentance , and fuch like graces:you feeleno increafe after longprayer: yet themercifullGodhath'no doubt heard your prayer, in that by delaying to performe yourreque(l, beebath flirted vp inyou the fpirit ofprayer, beebath humbled you,and made you feeleyour ownewants , thebetter todepende on his mercy,for the beginning and increafingofeuerie fpirituallgrace. Cbriflian. The fourth thing that tyoubles me,is that I cannotfeele faithpu. rifle myheart, and to workeby loue inbringing forth liuely fruits. !Windier. Ifthis be föcontinuallie, that faithbriegsfourth no fruit it is very dangerous and argueth aplainewant offaith,°yetfor a certaine time it maybe Cant.z. t a. fö : faith bathnot onely a fpring time and a rummer feafon , but alfo awin- terwhenit beareth nofruit.And there is manya true Chrithan like the bruifed E£4,4z.z. reed, that is ouerturned with eueryblatt ofwind : and like the flaxe that bath fire init, whichby reafonofweaknes, glues neither heat nor light,butonely a frnoke. Chrifhian. Thus much (hallfuflice for myfirfltemptation,wherin I take my felfe fatisfied:now ifyou pleafe,I will be glad to rehearfe the fecond. °Unifier. I am content,let vs heave it. Chriffian. I am afraid leali I hauenot truly repented, and therefore that all myprofefiion is only in hypocrifle. Minifiter. What mooueth you to thinke fo? Chriftian. Two caufes efpecially,thefirftis, they which repent leaue offto finite:But I am amiferable finner, I do continually difpleafeGodby myeuill thoughts,words and deeds. *Rom.s.zo Minifiter. You neednotfeare,*For where fnnea Q...undeth(thatis,the know- ledgeand feelingoffinnetheregrace aboundeth much more. Chrißian. I find not this inmy felfe. Minifter. But yet you find thusmuch in your felfe:thofe corruptions which you feele,andthofe finnes that youcommit,youhate them,you aredifpleafed. withyourfelfe for them,and you endeuour gourfelfeto leatiethem. Chrifitian. Yea that I doe withall my heart. 1l2initer. Then howmiferablefoeuer youfeele your felfe by reafon ofthe Rom.B.s. mafleofyourfitine,yet you are not fub:e& n blea tocondemnation,bur(hall»softcer- çam°' fainÿ efcapcthefame. Take this for a :nol+ certaine trueth, that the man that «hates anddislikes his finnes,bothbefore andafter heehath done them , 4hall <, neuerbe damnedfor them. Chrif1ian. I ameuenheart - fickeofmy manifoldfsuesand infirmities,and chefegood words whichyou fpeak are ers.fluggoeiro fwine,torefrefh myweary Canr.2.5 'laden,and weltri tg foule. I haue begun to flee finse and to detefi it longago. I hauebeenoft difpleafed withmine infirmitiesand corruptions : when I of- fendGodmy heart is greened, I dehreto leaue finne, I flee theoccafionsoffen: I wouldfainefafhion my lifetoGodsword:& I prayvetoGod thathe would gluemegrace fötodo:&yet (which is mygriefe) by the ftrengthof the flefh, by thefleights andpowerofSathan Iamoften ouerr hen,& falmaruellouflÿ, both.