Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

a *.wrtrcscrfcc.). 12Q bothby fpeecla and bydeede. Miniger. Haue courage mygood brother, for whereas you haue anafe- ¿ion todoe the things that areacceptableveto God, it argueth plainely that you are a memberor-Chuff : according to thatofPaule: They whichare ofthe fiom.s.s ffirit,Pion?. ofthe/lürit.Wel then,ifSathan euerobieòt anyofyour fnnes toyou, make anfwer thus, thatyou haue forfaken the fief husband the fiefh,and haueefpoufed youriél etoChrifi Iefus,who as your head and hus- bandbath taken vpon him to anfwer your debtes, and therfore ifhe vrge you for them,refer him ouer vnto Chrr(f. For there is no fate in law againfi thewife the husband lining: yea, I ad further,ifyou bee ouercarried with Sathans temp titions,andfo fall into anyfinne, you fhall not anfwer for it but Sathan,it Thal finely be reckoned onhisfcore at the dayofiudgment, for hewas the author of it : ifyou fall by the frailtyof your flefh,it (hall perifh therefore : butyou fhall ffill haue Chrif}your aduocate. Chríftran. Indeed as you fay I haue inmeean affeCiion topleafeGod , but when I cometo performemy obedience,there I faile. Miniffer. Therfore marke this further.As longas the childrenofGodare in this life,*God regardeth more theaffe&ion to obey,then theobedience it felf: *Gen.! 2.12 And theyfhalibe vntomefaiththe Lorde fhoftes,in that day Ifhall doe this,for Ma1,3.I 7 aflock(c , andI toilfilare them, ar aman.cßares hisownePoore that fer. ethhim.. The father when hefhallfer his childe todoe any bu(incffe ,thoughhe doitne- iier fo vntowardly,yet ifhe Phewhis goodwill todoe the bell he can , his fa- therwill beeplcafed : and fo it is with the Lord toward his children, youlooke tohauefomeperfeaion inyour felfe:bu t in thislifeyou fhal receiue no *inore *13,om,s,t but the ftr,Ft fruites of the fpirrt ,which; arebut as ahandfull ofcorne, in re- fpe61 ofthe whole corne fieide : andas for the accompli(hment ofyour re- demption you 1zß. wayto for ittill after this life :you wouldbe kiffed with the ki es ofChrifies mouth, butheere in this worlde youmuff beecontent, if' you may with Marie Magdalen kiffe his feete. For the perfeéfion of' a Ambrofc. Chrifl ian mans Iife, (lands in the feeling and confef ion of'his imperfeaions. a t=ffeEiu And as Ambrofe faith,obedicnce dueto GodBands moreain theofet Lion than maÿisqua M thereoore. ffcftu. Chriifian. But why will God haue thole whom bee bath fanaified labour Bill vnder their infirmities? Alinig r. The caufes are diners. Firff,hereby he teachethhis feruants,to fee inwhat great neede they fiandeofthe righteoufneffeofChrift, thatthey may more carefully feekeafter it. Secondly,hefubdueth the prideofmens heartes andhurnbleth them by counteruayling the graces which they haue received, with the like mcafure oíinfirmities. Thirdly,by this meanesthe godlyare ex- crcikd in a continualifightagainflfinne, and are daylieoccupied inpurifying themfelues. Christian. $at togot on forward in this matter there is another caufe that makes rxae feare?leafs Z haue no true repentance, Zr3 Mifliferp