Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

130 Con o Anent 4 Minifler. What is that? Chrifl:an. Ioftentimes findmy fclfe likeaverytimberlog,voyde'ofallgrace r ! and goodneffe,froward andrebellious to any goodworke : fothat i feare leafl: Chri(fhaue quite forfakenme. .Mrnifler.As it is in the tirait feas,the waterebs & flowes,fo is itin the godly: in them as longas theyhue in this world according to their own feeling , there ,y { isanacceffe &receffe ofthe fpirit. Otherwhiles they be. troubledwith dead- Prai i9. SS neffe& dulnefheofhart, as Dauid was,whoprayed to the Lord,to gutcfzenhim Ela.I i9.$. according tohis lottingkindnes , that &maykeep the tefiimoniesofhismouth: And in anotherplace he faith,that Godspromifes quickenedhim.Whichcould not be,vnleshehad been troubled with great dulnes ofheart. Again,fometime's r the fpirit ofGodquite withdraweth it felfe to theirfeeling : as it was in Dauid, Pra1,77.z.3 In theday ofmy trouble (faithhe)Ifought the tt,ord,&myfoule refufed comfort. 7.$ Ididthin1 evponCjodand wastrosbled, lprayedandmy l irit wasfallofanguifh. Again, Will the Lord abfent himflfeforeuer?andwill heJhew nomorefatioor ? Cant.3. r bath Godforgotten to bemercifull?&c.The Church in the Canticles coinplai neth ofthis. inmybed Ifought himby night whome myfoule lotted: 'fought him, Cant.5.4. s but Ifoundhim not.And againe,Afywelbeleuedput in hishandbythe holeofthe 6 doore,andmy heart wasaffe1ioned towardshim: Irofevptoopen tomywelbelo- ued,c myhands diddrop down myrrhe,my fingerspuremyrrhe upon the handles ofthebarre, Iopened to mywelbeloued. but my welbelouedwasgane &pail,mine heart wasgone when he did s`fieak. ; Iföaught him,but Icouldnotfindhim,l called but heanfweredmenot.Contrariwife,God at Tome othertimesjheds abroadhis Rom.5.5. louemeaboundantly in thehearts ofthefaithfull; andChrialieth between the Cant. r, r 3. breafls ofhis Church,as apole ofmyrrhegiuinga !Irons f Pell. Chrifiian. Buthowcan hebe a Chri(lian thatfeeles nograce norgoodnefï'e inhimfelfe? Minifler. The childwhich as yet canvfeno reafon,isforati that a reafona- ble creature:and the man in a fwownefeeles nopower oflife,and yet he is not dead.TheChrifiian manhath many quames comeouerhis heart,andhe falles intomanya fwowne,thatnone almofl would lookefor any moreofthe life of aria in him,yet for all that hee may bea true Chriflian.This was the (late of Luke.2 Z t Peter,whenhe denyedourSauiourChrifl with curling andbanning,hisfaith only.faintedfora time,itfay l>dnot. Chriftian. I bauenowopened unto you the chicle things thattroubledme: andyour comfortableanfwers haue much refrefhed my troubledmind. The Godofallmercie and confolation requiteyou accordingly. Minifter. iháuefpoken that whichGodout ofhis holie word bath opened vntome,ifyou findany helpçherby, giue Godthe praife therfore,& carrie this A&s.Z4.22. withyou foreuer thatbymanyaff1:l- lions both in thebodyandthemindyoumug enter into thek,ingdomofheauen. Rowe flefh is noyfom to the flo:nacke, and is Honer. nogood nouriíhtnentbeforeit be fodden:andvnmortifiedmen and women benocreatures fit forGod: and therfoxe they are to bee foaked and boyled in afilition^