Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

130 4 Dec oaten and thehilles {hall fall downe,butthy louing kindnes Iii alnot mooue, and the bond ofthypeace fhal not faile thee: thus faia thou the Lord our mercifull re. cleaner. Dear& father therefore , I pray thee remember euenfor thineowne truthand mercies fake the promife &meddlingcovenant, which in thy good time I pray thee towrite inmy heart,that I may know thee tobe the only true God,and Iefus Chriffwhom thou haft fent : that I may loue thee with all my heart for euer:that I tnay lone thypeople for thyfake: that I tnaybeholy in thy fight through Chriff : that I may alwayes not only Ilriueagainst Gn,but alfoo- uercome the fame daylymoreand more as thy childrendó: aboue all thinges defiring the fanc`fi.fication ofthy name,thetimingofthykingdome,the doing ofthywill on earth as it is inheauen,i&c. throughL Iefus Chriff our Redeemer, Mediatorand Aduocate.Amen. A DECLARATION OF CERTAINE SPIRITVAL Defertions,feruing to terrific all drowfeProteflants,andto comp t themwhichmournfor thewlsnnts. Mongall the workesofGods eternall counfell, there is none more woonderfull than is Defertton > which isno.. thingels but an aOlion of Godforfakínghis creature. Furthermore, Godforfakes hiscreature, not bywith® drawinghis effence or beingfrom it: for that cannotbe confideringGod is infinit ; ano therefore mull ncedes at all dinesbe euerie where : but bytaking away the grace andoperation ofhisSpiritfromhis creature. Neithermuff anythink it tobe crueltie inGod toforsakehis creature which hebath made:forhe isfoucraigne Lordouerall his works:and for thatcaufe he is not bound toany;andhemay doe with his owne whatfocuerhe wil. And this his will is not tobe blamed:for menarenot to imagine, that athingand fir be iufl, and then aftervvarde that God doth willit : but contrariwife, flríl God veils a thing, and thereupon it becomes iuff. Again,fin is fowretched athing in the eies ofGod, that beevtterly forfakes his treat::refor apunirnmentthereof Noweuery.thing,fo farfoorth asit is a chaffilèment or punif.lument,is good; cófidering that the infliRing therofisthe execution of iufrice. AndGodneuer forfakes the creature againfl the wil thereof ? but in the very time ofDefertion,it voluntarily fcrfäketh and refufethgrace,& choofeth to be forfaken:wherforc ifanyhurt or miferieinfue thereof,letthe creature blame it felfeand praife the Lord. Defertions thus deferihedareoftwo forts,eternall and temporary. Eternal desertions are thofe,wherebyGod vpon iuIt caufes knowne tohim. false forfakeshis creature whorl and for euer. Thus theDiuell withhis Angels, and that part ofmankind which isprepared to deflrue}ion, isforfaken. For