Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

af¡p't'ritüall:DPrti®nsm 133 firf},Godbefore a!! worlds, diddecree according to the purpofeofhis owne will to refvfe them without thegrauntofanymerde. Secondly, after they are created and hue in the 'or1d, he giueth themno Saviour. For Chrit} is onely the redeemerof the p1eó},and ofnomore : which maythus appeare. For whó Chrift makesno lnrerceíflon, for themhebathwrought noRedemption.But for themone!y whichareeieaedand fhall beleeue inhim, heknakes intercef- fion. I pray (faith bee)not for the worlde, but for themwhichthou haftgiven Foh.x7.y. tae. And againe,Ipraynot f far th f alone,burfor them altowhichfhallbeleease zo. in me through their word. Wherefore Chril} is a redeemer tonone but to the Fleet. Thirdly, bee referueth them to eternall damnation for their finites; which is a totali feparation fromGod, and the accornplifhment ofall other Defertions. Forthe effe&ingof this,Godexercifethwicked men and reprobates in this life withdiucrs particular defertions,and thatafter thismanner. He befloweth all fortsofbenefits on them as on hisowne feruants : but yet íó, as thathee withdraweth that part ofhis benefite, whichbath the promifeof lifeeternall annexed to it in the worde. And in this matter he dealeth as a man that lets many trees in his Orchard, but fo as he takes away theheart or the pith there. of. And this the Lord doth either in temporali or fpiritrrall benefits. 1. For temporali benefits, aswealth, honour, libertie,outwardepeace, the Lord dealeth very bountifully with them : Hemales bis Sunne to Jhine vpon Matth.5.4s the iufitacrdvniui: hefill theirbellies with his hid treafures: and asDauid faith, [fretted at thefoolifh,when fan, theproferitie ofthe wickfd:for there is Pí'1.73.4. 5o nobonds intheirdeath, bid they are luihe andffrong, theyarenotin troubleas othermen,neither are theyplaguedas other men. But yet he holdsbacke that Dar legit(. which is theprincipal! thing, and theveryglorieofthere bcnefites, that is, the mum.i.lege right vfe ofthem. For that a man maypurely vieGods creatures,two things fdnonfan. are required. Fir[}, his perfon muff flande iut} and faní}ified before God by aum rrum, faith inChriíL For vntill a mans perfon pleafe God, his worke fhall neuer Tit.z.x5. pleafe him, Secondly,he muff vfe the fame creatures purely : which is done partly by inuocation ofGods name,andpartly by referring them to their let and appoynted ends; whichare Gods glorie,amans ovineandhisneighbors good. But all this is flat contrarie in the vngodlie man. For firl},he is foorth ofChrif},fo thathis perfon t}andsvniuft beforeGod. Andtherefore all his ac- tions(euen thofe which otherwife are lawful' and good) in himarc nceere fames. Secondly,heevfethGods gifts and Wettings withan will confcience. For byreafon ofhis want of gracetobeleeue,he cannot refolue himfelfe,that God as his father dothbellow his bleffings on him as his beloued childe in Chrifl; yet as a theefe and an vfurper, againfi his confcicnce he vfeth them. Adde further, the creatures are vfed of himwithout inuocation : for filchan tone cannotpray ; and therefore he lothbut as the feint in the fbrreft,which feedeth on the inal},but neuer lookethvp to the tree whence it falleth. Third- ly,he vfethGods gifts to euill ends : becaufe either he makes an idol] ofthem by 1