Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofJpïr""itúitlLferir®ns. 135 petitent,let them beware and takeheedeof this defertion ; andthey are with tremblingtolayto theirhearts,that which the holyGhofl fpeakethofHophni ,,Sam.z a$ andPhinehas.Theyobeyednotthevsyceoftheirfather; bec usfe theLordwould deiroy them. I I I I. Togoe further,he befloweth on themmany worthie properties of faith. As firfl,a knowledgeofthedivine truethin the Laweand the Gofpell. Secondly, an affentto the faidtrueth. Thirdly,aloyfull reioycing and boafcing infpeaking andhearingofit. Fourthly,an outwardprofefsion of it fora time.. Buthe clothnot beflowe that qualifie and venueoffaith,whichis,as it were, thevery fouleof it :without which faith is dead and fauethnone, namely,the inwardaffurance and certificateof his loue and fauóur inChrifl,with a fenfe and feelingofthe fame in heart. Neither are the former dueties offaithperpe- tualland found in them, for thereprobate is not induced to themby any affu- ranceofGods mercie, but by other finifler occafions, as are : Firfl, defire of knowledge in diuine myfleries. Secondly, adelight in it. Thirdly, praife and commendation among men. Fourthly,the maintainingofwealth andhonor. Fiftly,thcgettingofwealthor honour. Sixtly,a delire to bee at vnitie andCon- corde with the Nation or people where the Gofpell is preached. Therefore when thefeendsandoccafions oftheirbeleeuing ceafe,then alfotheir faithand profeffionceafe. In thiskinde ofdefertion,it is to be feared, thatmoil men are. All inourChurch willprofeffe faith inChrifl:yet feeing thefound conuerfion toGod,and the finceritieoflife anddodrineis very rare,vvemayprefume that, that maine propertie of faith which is the receiuing and apprehenfion of Chrifl, is wanting inmoil : therefore let euery man looke tohimfelfeand be- timelabour to turne his temporariefaith (ifihefinde it inhimfelfe) into a true fauing faith,whereforehemuff flriue firII to feele hisextreameneedeofChrifl and his merits. Secondly, tohunger and thiríl after him, as after meare and drinke. Thirdly,tobe nothing in himfelfe,that hemay beeall in all out ofhim- felfe inQuirt. Fourthly,to be able to fay thathe liuethnot, but Chrifl liueth in himby faith. Fiftly,to lothe hisowne finneswith a mollvehement hatred,and to prife and value Chriít and the leafl drop of his bloud abone r o o oo. worlds. V. Againe inrepentancehebefloweth,firfl, a fight of finne fecondly, a kindeofforrowe for it: thirdly, a confefsion ofit : fourthly,a refolution fora time tofin no more.But that part ofrepentácewhichhaththepromifeofiner- cïe annexed,that is,aconuerfionofthe whole man toGod he neuer giueth it. V I. Laflly,God giueth tothe reprobate hisfpirit,but fo farre forth asit fhal not anywhit regenerate or renewhis nature : but oneiy in the outward aelion repreffe theaEt ofuinne:foas therebywithoutany inward change he fhaIl be as ciuilie full and vpright inoutwardconuerfation,asany in theworld. Thus much ofthofedefertions whichbefall the diuell and his angels and all reprobates : now followe thole wherewith Godexercifeth euen his owne elc t children : for the blefsings thatGod beflowethon thetaareoftwo forts,, either Dac fpitita reprimen. tem,non re- nauantem.