Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

134 ADec drattad$ by lettinghisheart on them,orelshe imployeththem to riot,pride,and the op- prefsion ofgodlymen. Amatter ofmuíick hathhis honkfurniíhedwith mu- fieall inftrumentsofall forts : and he teachethhis ownefchollers artificially to vfe them,both in righttuning ofthem,asalto inplayingon them: there comes in firangers,whoadmyring the fayd inftruments,hauekauegiuen themofthe matter tohandlethem,as the fchollersdoe : but when they come topra&tize, they neither tune them aright,neitherare they able to ftrike one ftrokeas they ought, fo as they maypleafe the matter and haue his commendation. This world is as a large and fumptuous pallace,into whichare receiued, not onely the fonnes and daughtersofGod,butalto wicked and vngodly men : it isfur- nifbed with goodly creatures invfemoreexcell& than all muficallinftrumEts: thevfeofthem is common to all : butthe godlyman taught by Gods fpirit, and dire6ted by faith , fo vfeth them as that the vfe thereof is acceptable to GO D : as for the impure and vnbeleeuing,indeede they inioythe crea- tures and giftes ofGod, but the purevfe is wanting: for they cannot but abufe them : and therefore the wicked and the reprobate,though they fhould commit no other finnes in the worlde, yet for thevfe oftheirwealth and ho- nour, for theirvery eating and drinking (which in themfelues are molt law- full) fhall bedamned. I L Concerningfpirituall bleflìngs,firft Godceafethto graunt fomuchas anoutward calling to manymen.Forhowmany Nationsfince the beginning oftheworld, much more particular men;haue there been, are,and fhall bee, which neuerheardthepreaching oftheGofpell; naynot Ibmuchas the name ofChrift,God isknown in furie,(faithDauid) andhe bathnot donefo toanyna- tion. And oftenin Mofes and the Prophets it is mentioned that thecouenant was in former times made peculiarto theIewes. And Paul in theActs fayth, A&. i4.e 6 that Godfru f feredthe Gentiles informer timesto wakein their on'newayes: and oftheEphefians,beforetheir calling he faith, that theywerefrangersfrom the Ephe,z.z, promi fes,andwithout Godin theworld. III. Hee graunts the outward meanes offaluation, namely theWorde, Prayer,Sacraments,Difciplineabundantly: but yet he quitewithdraweth the operationofhis fpirit,wherebyaconueruon might bee wrought.For they ne- Pfal.40.6 uerhaue that pearcingeftheearewhich Dauid mentioneth, nor the opening of A&,16. 14. theheart with Lydia,nor that teachingofGod, when they are drawn ofthe Ioh.6.45 father toChrift.And infodoing indeede,onelyhe offerethgrace,but doth not exhibite and conferre it : not thathemocketh any,but that in fodoinghe may Ef2.e.9.10 eueryway conuince and bereaue them ofexcufe. As the Lord fpeaketh to E- t áy,çoe andfay to thispeople,ye/ball heare indeede, butyefhallnot vnderFland. .yePallplainlyfee, but not perceiue : make the heart ofthispeoplefat,make,their eat-es beanie, andAnt their eyes, leajl they feewith their eyes, andBeare with their eares,andvnder>slandwith theirhearts,andconcert,and be heale them. If =°Cor`4'" our Gofpell be hid(faithPaul) itis hid in them thatpers. Men thathaue long hued underthepreachingofthe Gofpell, andyet Itill remaine ignorant &im penitent,