Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

t: ! ïr ADeslleafion° the Lord,andyetcouldreceiueno motionno fenfe ofanycomfort fromhim, vntowhom the faydAniline anfuccred" a aine, willing him patiently to waite the Lordspleafure,and howfoeuer'hisprefent feeling was, yet feeinghis caule was iufi and true,he exhortedhimconaantly toflicketo the fame, and to play the man, nothingdoubting but the Lord inhis good time would vifite him, and fatisfie his defirewith plentieofconfolation, &c. The next day when the timecameof the Martyrdonie, ashee was going to the place, and was now Lorne to thefight ofthe fiake,althoughalI the night before praying for ftegth andcourage,hecouldfeele none,fuddenly hewas fo replenifhedwith theholy Ghbfi,that he criedout clappingwithhis hands toAufiine,and faying with thefewords; ,4uiixre,he is come,he is come,&rc. and that with fuch joy and alacritie,as onekerningrather to berifenfrom force deadlydanger to libertie of life,thenasoneparsingout of the world by anypailles ofdeath. Defertionin finne,is whenGodwithdrawing theaalliance ofhis fpirit, a man is left to fallinto force aíbuall andgrieuous fin. Andfor all thisno man is to think thatGod is theauthoroffin,butonlyman that falleth, and Sathan. A refemblanceof this truethwe may feein a fiaffe : which,ifa man íhall take & fet vprightvpon theground,fo longas heholds it withhis hand, it fiands vp- right;but foTooneas hewithdrwwes hishand,thoughbeneuer-pufh it downs, it falles ofit felfè. In thisdefertion was the good king Hezechiah,ofwhom the zs.Cro.3z. holyGhofifpeaketh thus : r Hezechiahprofeyed inall hismaies,therfore dea- ; 1-.32. ling with the ilmbaJTadoursofthe PrincesofBabelwhichfeattohim toinquire ofthewonder whichwas done in the land,Codleft him (namely, to the prideof his hearttoexalt himfelfe) in tempting him,that bemight trie out allthat was inbis heart. To this placeappertaine, Noesdreankennes,.'atsidsadaslterie,Pe- te,sdeniall of(brig.The reafön of fuch defectionsmay beethis. Ifa patient íhall begrieuoufly ficke, the Phifitionwillvfe all manner ofmeanes that can bedeuifed to recouerhim,& ifhe once come to a defperate cafe,thePhifition rather thanhe will not refiorehim,willimploy al hisskill; he will take poyfon, - and fotemper it,and againfi the nature thereofhewill makea foueraigne re medie. torecoucr health. Theele6t children ofGod, are difeafed with an in- ward,hiddenand fpirituall pride; wherebytheyafiè& themnfelues, & defire to be fomething in themfelues forthofChrifi: & this fin is verydangerous: firft, becaufe when otherfins die in aman,this fecretpride gets firength: for Gods grace isthe matterofpride,in filchwife,that amanwill be proud,becaufe he is not proud : for example,ifany (hall be temptedofthediuell toforceproud be- hauiour,ànd byGods grace get theviéiorie; then theheart thus thinketh,Oh thanhag done well, thou haftfoyledthe enemie, neitherpride norany otherAwe canremadeagai cg thee ;Parchandfruch couldneuer banedonefo:&a verygood man (hal hardly be freefrom filchkindofmotions in thislife. Secondly,there is no greater enemie to faith thanpride is : for it poyfoneththeheart andmaketh it vncapableofthat grace,fo long as it beareth any fway : for he that will be- leeuein é.;hrifi truf}be annihilated, that is, hemull be bruféd&battered toa flat nothing,inregard ofany likingoraffe6lion tohinifelfe,that hemay in fpi- rit