Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofptr traldDifertions. 14r ritmount vptoheauen,where Chrifl firs at the right hand ofthefather,and as it were withboth the hands offaithgrafp himwithal his bleffedmerits, that he maybe*vvifedom,righteoufiles,fang}ification,redemption,life,l;ood works,& whatfoeuer good thinghe is,neither in,nor by,nor forhimfelfe; but eueryway lolC g forthofthimfelfinChrifl.Now, thisbleflèdcóditionofabeleeuinghart ,byna- tural felf-loue & felf-liking isgreatlyhindered.God therfore in great mercie to remedie thisdangerous corruption , letshis-eleól feruantes fá11 into trouble of mind and confcience,& ifthey happilybeofgreater hardnesofhart intofòme at.fuall fin:and fodeclaringhis wonderful ìnercie infacing them,heis faine a- gainfl hismercie to bringthem tohis mercy,& byfin to faue them from finne. By this meanes theLord, who canbring lightout ofdarknes, makes a remedy offinne to flay pride,thatinuincibie monfler ofmany heads,which wouldflay thefoule. Though thisbefo,yet nonemuff hereupon venter to commit anyfin againft Godscotnmandements,leafl in fo doing theycatl away their foules. For the godlyman,thoughhe fall into fin'yet it is againft hispurpofc, and it makes his heartto bleed:and thecourfeofhis life (hall be alwayesvpright andpleating yntoGod: becaufe he is led by the fpiritofGod. Theends for whichGodvfethdefertions are three,thefirfl is the chaflifemCc offinspafl in the formerpartofmansiife ,thathemayfearch them out,conuider them,&be hartily forrowfullfor them:for this end was Iobs mall.Thom writes`t rob,I3.26 (faithhe)bitterthingsagairllme,t makeflmetopeffe thefiarofmyyoutb. The fecond end is,that God may make trialtofthe prefent di-ateof his fer- uants:not that he isignorant what is in man;but becaufe he wouldhaue al men know themfelues. To thiseffeafaith Moles.2I,td thouAalt remember all the way wh:ch the Lordthy God ledthee in the wildernef for tohumble thee, andto D,t.g.z. praorrle thee,to/molt what was en thineheart,n'hetherthou reouldefkeep hiscorn- &13.3. mandementsor no.This allowas the end why the Lord left Ezechiastoprooue and trie what was in his heart. This triall bydelertion ferueth for tvopurpofes :for otherwhiles theLarde vfethitfor themanifeflation of fomehidden fin,that the godliemaybedeep- lier humbled, andcrane more earnefily thepardon ofthat &other fins. Foras thebeggeris al wales mending &peecing his garmét,wherehe findsabreach : fo thepenitentand beleeuing heart muG alwayésbee exercifedin repayringit Rife tJ where it findsa want. Againe,oft times thistrial ferues to quicken andreuiue the hidden gracesof the heart,that men may be thankful for them, and feele an increafe ofthcm in theheart. Thegood husbandman cuts the branches ofthe Vine, not that hee bath apurpofe to deflroy them,but tomale themBearemoref; uit,In theCan- Ioh T 5.2 ticleswhen Chriflleft his fpoufe,thea the rifethout ofherbed, (bee opens the Cam's doore,herhaedr dropmyrrheon the barofthedoore:then furtherfhefeeI ç and cals for him,&p:aifethhim more than euerbefore.Dauid teflifieth'the like of, m proßrerit/J.1;0 I/ alueruer bemooed, j,c.bttt thoa dtdsl hide thy * Kk face