Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 I41 :4Deelsirigthiti facead1s trottkleelThest cried Itothee,0Lord,&prayed tomy Lord.Laft- ly,men that hue in theChurch,being for a time left ofGod ,become fo irnpe. nitentas that theymull begiuen vptoSathan; yet for noother caufe , but that I Cor, 5 .3 the flefhmaybekillechand the fpirit madealiue in the dayofthe Lord. The third cud is the preuentingof fin tocome.This appeareth in Paul; Lea.ft 2.Cora1,7 (faith he) IThuldbeexaltedout of mestfure through theabundance °tress-elation; there ssuenvnto me prickjn theflefb,the meffergerofSathan to buffet me sbecassfeIfhouldnot beexaltedout the Former times whé. the Lord amongmany others had let out Cramer for the maintenancc-ofhis 'Waled trueth againfthis andGods enernics,he left him for awhile to fall from his re- ligiorhandto make adangerousrecantation:but fo as therbyhepreuentedma- ny fins,and prepared him to a glorious martyrdom.As fomeofhisown words may teRifie which he fpakea little beforehis end : Andnow (faith he) Icome to thegreat thing that fo much troublabmy confciencemore than any thing that crier ¡did orlaud in allmy life,& that is thefetting abroadofawriting contrary to the trigt hob chnowheer Irene:triceas things written tvithmyhand atrary to - thetruthwhich I thought inmyham& thatfartearofdeath tojattemy life, Cre.and for afrinsehas rs) bandofendedwriting citrary tomy hart,MyhandPal beflriqpunlbed therfore.firmay 1cme tothefire itfhalbefirli burned, Anfwe- yablie,when he was t the fire,firfl beeburnt hisright hand which fubfcribecl; his body fuffred the flame with ouch conflacy& ttedfaftnes asheneuer almoft rnooued : his ties vp toheauen often herepeated his vnworthy right hand. Thus, deathwhieh he naotl ftered,he nIOl defired that he might cake reuenge of hirnielffOrhis fin. Aet .9.1 The vie that all good Chrillian heartes are tomake ofthere their de- Rah I. 20 fertions , is Innnifolde. Firfhifthey haue outward reil-andwalk in thefeare of befilled with the joyoftheholy Cdho Pet th'inotbe highminded,butfear; leaf t aforfakingfollow.Secondly,ifin anie tEptation they iudge thEfelues for- faken,let them confider this wonderful work offpiritual defettions whichGod exercifethvonhis ovvne childl envery vfually h& then itmaypleafe theLord, they fhal find it to berefloratiue againft many a qua me & fwoune offpirk& confcience intowhichotherwife they wold certainly fall. Thirdly,feeingCod for their trial', clothoften withdraw Iiirrifelffrom thê, let them again drawneer to God & preffeunto hirrheuen as a man that fhiuersof an ague is alwaycree- ping to the fire.Ifit be demaunded how a man fhould comeneer God, the an er is,by the vieofhis woid andpraier For byhis word hee fpeakes to thee, IQ &by prayer thou fpeakeft to hinl.L a filyfeeing bydefertions Godwit take ex- Pa. 1.1950 perience ofhisfen t ants, let euery man iry andfear eh his wayes,andesterbe tur- .A.-a...z4.1 6. hinghisfeet to thewayes ofGods commaudens'ents:let himendeu97tokeep-agood 1í1.z1. confrience before God d b.,frea/menthatîo he mayw ithDauid fay,lnee OLordlar Ihakewalked inmine innocency: my trtill bath been alwafes in the Lord:Ifhalnotflide prootternc,0 Lord,and triome,examinemy ralnes andmy heart. F IN I S.