Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

To the godlieReader. laNGods Church commonly they 'g' ho are tou- ched by the Spirit, and beginne to come on in Religion,are much troubledwithfeare that hey are not Gods children ;.and none` fo much as they: Therfore they often thinke onthis point : andarc not quiet till theyfinde force refolution. The SpiritofGod, (as beí+knowing the eflateofGods children) bath penned twoparcels ofholie fcripture,forthe full refoluiugofthis cafe; namely the i 5. Pfalme, and the firfi EpifileofSaint lohn. Andfor the helpingof the Gmple and 'vnlearned, who delire tobe informed concerning their elate, l haue pro. pounded thefe twopartesofScripture,in the formeofaDi- alogue : andLaue ioyned thereunto a little difcourfc con' cerningthe fame matter,pcnned in LatinbyH.Zanchisre, alearned Diuine,andnow englifhed. Vfe this labour ofmine for thy beneñte and comfort: and the Lord increafethenumber of them that mayreioicc that their namesare written inheauen.