Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN, IN forme ofaDialogue. The Speakers, John. Church. CHAP. I. Church. __ 4,_ __ Anyamongvsdelticthe Codhhead,andma- ny themanhoodofChriI. John. That which was from thebegin- Verfa ning[andtherfore true God]whichwehaue heard [namely fpeaking ] which wee haue feenewith thefeour eies , which wee haue lookedvpon,and thefe handes ofourshaue handledofthat word[not thefounding but theefntiall wordeofthe Father , ] of life [liningof himfelfe, andgining lifevntoallether.] Ch. Befareyougeeaniefurther,this wordofli fe is , how then could it be feene? Joh.[1es]forthat lifewas made manifefl[towit,in thefe/h,] and we ['with Vevíc a. manyothers] haue feene it,aodbeatewitnes,and publifh vnto you that eter- nalllife,which was with theFather[eterragybefre thismanift/lation]andwas made manifell vnto vs. Ch. Menander, e&ion,andCerinthus,hauing been teachers among vs, conft- dentl denietheft things whichyoufay : and they beare vs inhand,that theyfeek, ourgood. loh. That[ which Ifrillrepeat againefor more certaintiesBale] «hich weeY e 3 haue feene andheard,declare we vnto you, that yemay haue fellowfhiip ith vs,and that our fellowfhipalit maybewith the Father, andwithhis fonne le- fus Chrif}. And thefe things writewe vntoyou that your ioy might beefull ¿ i.s igbt banefoundco;felationinyour confciences.] Ch. Wellt ben,lry vsdonne forceground,wherebr we maycome tobeefured thatwe haue f el%w,lb po lewith another,andwith ('kris . Ioh. This then is the meffage which we haue heardofhim, & declareunto Vcrfe s you that God is light i, pstrenefe itfeleandbl Pdges ; whereas men and An- gelsareneither,6gt byparticipai io;ej and in him is no clothes. CF. Some that maleproffonamongvs,continuefi t "l intheir oldcourfe and conuerfation; andyettheyfly theyh nefellocr[hip withGod. Kh 3 lobs If