Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Verre a Z4.Ifwe fay that wehaue fellowfhipwit t him, andwalk[leadtbecaul, without efourt iaes]indarkneffe,[i.ignorance,ergoter, ianpietie,awelie,[differrbie,]and ?.athc,a doe not truly[dealenot fncerely.] ("e°1" Ch. what them is the truemartreofone which hatkfellorrfhip withGod? bypOerit`° lob. If ive wakein the I ight, [lead the courfeofour limes in ('ncerity of/ifs sincerity of anddoctrine] wehauefellowfhip one with another. life & reli- Ch. We arefo x'efiledantifn, that weoften dorsbt,leaff weehase nofcllowfbili oìon,anote with God? ofcorrma- loh. The blood oflefusChrifi hi fon cleanfethvs from all fin. niogn with Ch. Some amon s arecome to that a e that the a the hanse no :m and od, the: thiselate is fgne of fellow hip withGod, yf y f vert s lob. Ifwefaywe haueno finne,wedeceiue our felucs,r imagining that es To profeffe be truewhich is otherwi (] and the truth isnot in vs. petfc t fan- Ch. How thenmay wekn.ow that ourfines arewaftedaway 6yChi ? C2ification M. Ifwe confeffe our firmes [namely with an humbledheart defrring par- . to this life, a noteofan don ] heis faithfull and iva [inkeepinghis promife,] to forgiue vs ourfinnes,c hypo rite. to cicanfe vsfrom all vnrighteoufnef e. verre 9 lfwefay [as they before nameddoel wehauenot finned,we make himaly- }iamblc er[whofeiwordfpsa es thecon trary,]andhis word is not invs[birdotfrinebath tonfetTion of fin to noplace inour beartes.] isamote of remiflion ffi"' Ch. JFtbisbe true whichbathbeen faid,that thebloodofChriff doth cleanfe v`t}` t° fromall fin; and thatifwe doeconfeJe them they'hall bepardoned; our corruption tels vs that wemayfinfreely. Vase t lob. Mylittle children, thefe things! write vnto you that ye finnenot. Ch. Alas, wefalloft by infirmitie:what Jhalwethendoe? loti. Ifany manfn,wehaue an aduocate [who in his swnenameand by his cronemeritspleads ourcarafe] to theFatherIcfus Chriflthe lull[andtbereforefat ro make intercefon.] Ch.Btst howmayemery one ofvs inparticularknow that Chrit is tirs admocat? Verfc z loh. He is the propitiation [ i. acowering of(in or reconciliation , as thepropi- tiatorreoftfe ar4ecoucredehelaw, 1 andnot for our finnesonely, but alfo for the finnesofthewhole world notonly Lewes butalfa Gentilesofallforts.] Ch. Reit that Iknow himtobe myadvocate, may I not bedeceiued?howmay Iknow that thismy knowledge is efetltsalito fa/gallon? `vejfe 3 Loh. Hccroy are tA. e Eure that a'e 'Mo«' hi in [heere,that knowledge ismeant, An code- »herebyaman applies Ch°ifiandall bis beneftes to hisozonefoulei If. weekeepe nor to keep [to keepe is not tofu/J(1146w tohauea care anddefire todo it ;for god ofhismer' tl:e cie, inhisfjrteantes accepts the willfor thedeedjhis commandements. mandee' Ch. Manyamongvsprofep that theyknow C bra ,but their limesbee not ofFaith. according. îoh. He 146 14 Ca,e o cenfcJetott. CHAP. II.