Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

5 .,. Vcare ; ¡ 4. Leery onethat hash thishope[tofechim at he ii] psrihetlh [i. though A define, & he befu6ieti.tofinme,yet he detreth and vfeth the measstoeles,rfebienfclffronm toviegood an euen as he is ere [ ettin before him hri its atterne tafollow.] t íc oodf '" P f Î P f means to. Ch. Howeproaueyodthat an erdeatour topur:feenrfelnes,isanoteofadop.. cleanfe our tion? Wiles ofour 1oh.[By the contrary] whofoeuer commit tethfn.[praCi:fithfrnewithful corruptions confect efwill,aotes:dew:urine himfelfeii. bolineffeoflife,]tranfgrefleth alto the and prink lawe:[andfor that caaafe,bcingvudcr thecurfeoftheLasr,cannot be godschit fìns,isa rnarkcofa- drew] forGene is the tranfgreflionofthe Law,[ vnderfiaud,by Larv,notmoral/ doption. Law,lrut any comma: dementofGod,whether it be:r1 the lawor Gofpell. Verfc And[agarne]yeknow that beewas made manifef}, [roo`e our nature ore Vcrfe 5 b;rn]that hemighttake away ourfirmer [theguilt andpuniAment at once and thecorruption h little andlittle,] and in him is no finne. ë'erle 6 [Thirdly] whofoeuer abideth inhim finnethnot: [hecloth sotSitsehimfclfe tofame,fbas itfhould raigne ixhim:]Whofoeuer finneth, bath not feene him, norknownehim : [to rit,effcûuafly,fo as he can applie Chrilf and allhis be. n fttestohimfelf.] Ch. Butfometeach that f aith itfnficient, andthey embolden vs to litreas the ivif. lob. Little children,letnoman decciue you;hethat worketh righteoufnese Verre 7 is righteous,as he is righteous . Vcrfe s. He that committeth finne,[thoargh heefay he dash beleexe,andtherefore thinkes himfefe ire ified before God,] isoftheDiuell,[ i. refembleththe Disci, as the child doth the f ather; and isgoueruedbybitfpirit:] for the Diuel finneth fromthe beginneth [oftheworld] [which appeareth that] forthispurpofe was made manifeft theSonne ofGod ; that bee might difl'olue the works [far the beginnfrg and continuance ofall rebellion and difobedience to God, ] of the Diuell? vcrfeq [ Andfurther, tod =1' /lay theftfeducers] whofoeuer is borne of God fn- Loe:fnes of riech not, f i, dothnot kfepe a courfe infinne , howfoeuer befall by inftrmitie:] life or the for his feed [ i. cods wordcalf it into theheart by the operation oftheSpirit, arts. pnEt feof lingamass tojpring VP iite anewcreature,] remainethinhim: neithercan he fin,a nDte i of the child :June ,becaufe.he is borne ofGod. ofthedine! Ch. Briefly to come to thepoint ;how may it be know ,who it Godschilde; for fhc pa- andwho (isto bereputed) the childofthe 7)isrel rent rune. loh. In this are the children ofGod knowne and the children ofthe Di- Veríe ro, uell : whofoeuer workethnot righteoufneffe, is not ofGod; neither [ togittc pmap'aine example,]he that louethnot his brother. ^rc:re t r For, this is the meffage whichyehaue heard íiom thebeginning, that wee iholuldoue one another. Not as Cain : bee was of that euill one [Sathan, ]and flue his brother: vcr.'c 12 and wherefore flue he him ? becaufehis oyt'ne workes were euill and his brothersgood,