Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e4c#--67-ceeiienee. Ch. %tdire lone theft which beourbrethren, according to thef?efh nemerle votech,they ceafenot tohateandperfecute vs. Ieh. Marueiicnot mybrethren, though thisworldhate you. 'filet tohue ,beeanoteof the childe ofthediuet1, what is theweal' Gods childe? lob. Weknow that we are tranflated from death to life, becaufe wee loue `Terre / 4. thebrethren,ri fuch asbe Christian ,becaufe they are Ch.aflaans, 3 [ason the ToIon a cnaLibc contrary] he that louethnot his brother, abideth in death: 11 is v,der the f Otte of au l ,ee is damnation.] a Clni(liari Whofoeuer hatethhis brother, isa manflayer, and yee know that no man- or godlic Gayer hath eternall life abiding in him. man,is Ch. Tonbanefhewedvsfully, that loue isaworke ofadoption : Nowfbewe vs norref bozowemayknavewhetherwe loue ourbrethrenor not? Vale lob. Heerbywehaueperceiued loue,that he laid down his life for vs:there- Vale 215. forewe ought [carried with the likeaffc$ion (Pole] to lay downe our hues for thebrethren. . Ch. Many infpetchdoepretendloue, butwefinding thiswilling affeaion & readinejletofhewe loue. soh. Whofocuer haththis worldcs good, [wherewith thislife is fs:flained] and feeth his brotherhaue need,and fhuttethvphis bowels; i. bathnocompas_ Ve're I' on,becasafeitfheweth it(elfe by the rollingofthe intrallesjfromhim,how dwel. Comp"tz° kth the loue ofGod inhim? on (3irrrn°Y Ch, What othernote is there oftrue loan? anche !lain anoteof soh. Mylittle children, let vs not loue in word, nor in tongueonely, butin lour. deedand in truth [ftncerey.] Verte !F.. i. For thereby weknow thatwe are ofthe tnieth, [foundprefeArrs ofthe Vcorks of GofellofChrift,32. and fhall before himappeafe our hearts [inregardof any of lo el accrefation that our confcienceChallayvetovs beforeGodsjudgmentfeat.] Verfè 19 Yourheart condemnevs, [an enielconfcienceaccufevs;God isgreater than sincere ourheart[namely in incisingofvs:] and knoweth all things. loue,a note Ch. Howmaywe lnon' that our confcienceswilnot condemmevi? n, lob. Beloued,ifour heart condemnc vs not,thenhaue we boldnes toward Verle za God,[i. tocome vntohim byprayer,] Verle zr Ch. What other fcite is there oftrue lane? Boldnes in Ieh. Whatfoeuerwee aske,we rcceiueofhim ; becaufe we keepe his corn- ligne oft mandenients,and doe thole things which arepleafant inhisfight. pacißed Ch. What are theft commandements ? confcience, Ioh. Thisthen ishis commandement, that we beleeue in the nameofhis verfre 22. Sonne refus Chrifl,and loue one another as heBanecommandement. verle as Ch. Halle they which kfepetheftcomrrandement/ theirprayersgranntea? prow this. soh. [Tell For he that keepethhis commandements ci welled) in him, and rate24, he inhim. Ch. ¡In