Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

IL 52 A Ca e o Con ciencc. The opera, Ch. Hewmay theknew that goddwslleth inwoodwe inhim? tion of lob. Heerbyweknow thatheabideth invs,by that fpirit[offavf rittiau, Gods fpï.ïc wherebywe are rentted]vv'hichhe bathgiuen vs. in Ianalty y ìngvs,a áagne of CHAP. III/. communiô wick God. Ch. TO retartee again to that which was before mentioned:,fhall weebeige*. 411that fay theybase thefpirit? Vcit I lo. Dearlybeloued,beleeuenoteueryfpirit [i.doflrines,whichmenbragging ofthef juirit,dee teach ; ]buttrie the fpirites whether they be ofGod : for malty falfeProphets are goneout into theworld. Ch. Howmaywe dafcerneofjq'irits? ¡oh. Heerby{hall yeknow thefpirit ofGod; eueriefpirit[dofirine]which TerÇc z confeífeth that IefusChriít [theMews] is come in the flefh [ismade trae man;thisbeing thejubittawcsoftheGojfell,]isofGod. Vote 3 Andeuery fpirit thatconfeffethnotthat Iefus Chrift iscome in the fle(h,isnot ofGòd : but this isthe fpiritofAntichrift,ofwhomye baneheard,that heChal come,and nowalreadyhe is in the world. Ch. Wefeare:becaufe thefeta efpiritsare ofgreat power,toperfwadeandfi71 duce many. 'eríe 4 Loh. Little children,yeareofGod, andhueouercome them : for'greater is he that is inyou[Godsfpirit,]thanhe that is in the world[the fpirit ofSatban.] Ch. Rut thedotîrin ofthefemen iscfgreat accoant,andhatbmanyfoIowers in the world;oursbath butfewwhich imbrace it. Verfe 5 loh. They are ofthisworlde,therefore fpeake they ofthis worlde, and this world[i. ignorant andvngodly menlheareth them. Vern 6 WeareofGod ;lie whichknoweth God,heareth vs:`hewhich is notofGod heareth vs not. Heerbyknowwe the fpiritoftruth,& thefpirit oferrour[name. y 6y the likingandapplaufeoftheworld.] Ch.Howmaywepreferueourfelues againfl thefefeducers? lob. lieloued,let vs loueoneanother,forlouecommeth ofGod: andeuery Vcríe 7 onethat loueth, is borneofGod, and knowethGod: [by a (peciallknowledge, whereby theyare a1sred that God the FatherofChrifi is their father; Chrifi their Redeemer; the holy G1)4).4 theirSanïïifier.] Vc; fc s He that louethnot,knoweth not God,forGod isloue,Li, wooly besttothem his !erne andcompaon to his people.] ry"erfe sJ [Foraproofeofthis,]heerinwas that loueofGodmade nianifeft among vs, becaufeGod fent that his onlybegottenSon into theworld,thát we might hue through him. vc; fe a o Heerin is that loue,not thatwe louedGod ; but that hee lowed vs : apd Pent his fonne to be areconciliation for our Gnnes. Ch. what ofallthis? Vcafei r loh. Peloued,ifGod fo loucd vs,we ought all()one to loueanother. Ch. Hoy