Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

:8 ¡hwÇarre aReprobate onftieff ;theyenjoyhis prefence, they effeaually feele his comfortable heat toquicken andreuiuethetn. XX. From this fenfe and tall ofGodsgrace proceed many fruits :as firf} , gene rally,hemaydoeoutwardly all things which true Chri(ians doe, and he may lead fucha life here in this world,that althoughhe cannot attaine tofal_iation, yet hispaines inhell Ibal! beleiTe : which appeareth, in that our Sauiour ChriP h Mali a faith: h it fhallbe eafierfor Tyrus andSydon, for Sodom andGomorrah,then for Capernaum,and othercities vnto which hecainç,inthe dayofiudgment, XXI. Alfo the reprobate may haue a loneofGod : but this loue can be noflame loue,for it is onlybecaufeGod bePoweth benefites ang profperitie vpon him : as appeareth in Saule,i Who louedGodfor his aduancement to the kingdom: i Sa.s o 9, and h ce is a differencebetween the Ele&andReprobate:the Ele& loueGod, as childrentheir fathers: but reprobates,as hirelings their maifters,whom they Y affect not fomuchfor themfelues,as for their wages. XXII. AlfoaReprobate bathoften a reioycing in doing thofe things which apper tame to the leruiceofGod,aspreaching, and prayer. k Herodáteard IohnBap- icMar;s.zo tilt- h ladly:iandthefecondkindofnau ht roundreceiueth the word 1 Mat.I3.10 preac $ g y g preachedwitb io,. XXIII. Exod. 4. AReprobateoften deíreth them, whomhe thinketh to bee the childrenof 27 God,to pray forhim : m As Pharao desired Aaron and Mofes toprayto God z rn Aet.s. 24 for him.nSo didSimon Magusdefire Peter to pray that noneof the thinges which he had fpoken againf}him,fhould come to pafle. But yet they cannot oRom. F. praydli iufelues,°becaufe they want the fpirit ofChrif}. 16.26 XX I I 11. Hemay Phew liking to Gods Miniflers,hemay reuerence them,andfeareto p Ac .s. 13, difp lcafe them, P Thus didSimonMagus, whoat Philips preachingbe/cold, moondredathismiracles, andkeptcompanywith him. q And Herod isfaidto Mar.6.2o few lohn,knowing that he was a iuf}man and holy: allo he gaue reverence to him. Antonius the Emperour,called Pius,though he was no Chriflian , r yet 1 r Eia.lib`4 in a generali parliament held at Ephefus,he madeanact in the behalfeofChri. aians: that -if any man hould.troub'.eoracculeaChriPian,for beinga Chrif}ii an;thepartieàcculedÍbouldgod free thoughhe were found to beaChriftian, and the accufer fhouldbeptnifhed. 'f And Plinius fecundus, gouernourof Spaine vnder Traianus theEmperour,whenhe saw an innumerable companie ( ofChrif ianstobe- executed;being mooned with.`conipaflioti, beewrote in their behalfe,being noChriflian, vntoTraianus tofparethem that could bee charged withno crime :and his letter isyet extant, XXV, He may be zealous in the religion yt;hich beeprofeffetha and-fall from that profef.