Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

navygec hrr/2iattátie. 29 profeffion,as the Galathians did, f whoafterthat they had received "Paule as t GaL4. 6 ngeN,and would haueplarekedout theireses tohaue donehim good: yet they fell from thedotrine which hehad taught them to iuflification by the workes ofthe Law,which flat ouerthroweth iuftificationby faith alone.* Thefame ap- * 2. King, peareth Iehu,who was veriezealous forGods caufe, and for the defacingof re,16, ido1atrie; and thereupon Godbleflèdhim in his children: yet neuerthelef ehe was a wicked man,. andfollowed the vile lìnnes ofieroboam háefather. X 8c 30' 3 I. XXVI. y After that hehath finned,he doth in many thinFes inwhichhe isfaultie,a-. y2.pete% mend and reformhis life , andBoth profeffegreat holineife outwardly.Herod, 20. he didmany thingswhich Iohn Baptiflin preaching mooned him veto:Saule, Hoff,4 when he was'tobechofenKing,profcffed great humilitie. They may repref e z ` their vices and corruptions,and fo moderate .themfelues that they breake not out L as didHaman ; ofwhome it is written :that when he was full ofin:diggna- 8e1t,5,g tionagainfi Mordecai,yethe refrained himfelf.Atidherein the Elegy and the Reprobate differ : for athe eleót are fomevvhat reformed in euery oneof their flirnes . But thereprobatethoughhebe amended in many faults : yet forneone 3%. fault or other , he cannot abide tohaue it reformed; andbythat,in avile ma- nerthe deuill wholly poffefieth him. AsHerode, vslio did many things, yet would not leauehis brothers wife.Andno doubt , in Iudas molt of his fones in appearance were mortified : and yet by .couetoofneffe the deuill poílèffed him, and heldhim fait chained inbondage vriderhim. For ore finne is fufiici- ent to him , that by it hemaybringa manto damnation. Secondlie,in infidels liuinghoreflly, thefpiriteof Godbrideleth :he forceofhnile, and the corrupt nature that it breakenot out , as itloth in many other. But inChriWins that are indeed godly, the faîne fj iritenot onlie repreffeththe corruptionof nature outwardly : but alfomortifieth it within at the roote,&regenerateth thewhole man intoa new creature. Thus then neither the faithful nor infidels doe effea any thing that is laudablebutby the fpirit ofGod: the faithfulby the fpirit ofre- generation: Infidels by thefame fpirit,only fuppreflìng the outward,a&& offin. XXVII. Betide this,he may haue thegift ofworkingmiracles, ofcafling forth deuils, a Mara, ofhealitig , andfuck like : a And thispowerofdoing orange miracles, (hall be marL.g $, vfed as án excufe offorneofthe reprobates in the dayof iudgment. XXVIII. Qftentimes ; vnto him is giuenthegifts oftheholy Ghofl, to difcharge the moll waightiecalfng that canbeinany common wealth. And this is meant, when.GodisPaid,b to 'isle Sank another heart; thatis,fuchvertues aswere b i meet foraking. 9 XXIX. A reprobate may haue the wordofGodmuch inhis mouth, and a1_fo may bea preacherofthe worde,c for to. pr:iph-c ing.inahrif&name, (hall bee vied c. ofae.y. z asanexeufeofreprobates: and weerkt owe that among the twelueApofiles, G c htdaa