Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

.C.j ofconfiunc`. 159 kept in the bodiliccares, where it might foone vanifh away,but in our minde & fpirit : becaufe the fpirit beareth record toourfpirit. And furthcr,that theho- lyGhofl neuer deparcethfromour fpirit,but dvveileth in vs,abideth invs,fpea- keth in vs, ihevveth forthhis power in vs, prayeth invs. Therefore the Apoille Roma. e s. faith,that wee haue recciued the fifrit ofadoption, bywhichWee crie Abba, Ga1,4.6. Father:as thoughhe fliould fay, thistetitmonyofthe fpirit isaltogether fo lure, bywhich he bearethvs record that wee arethe formes of God : thatprefently without doubting, we cancall uponGod, and crieAbba, Father. And all the Eleahaue this teflimonie, being madethe fonnesof Godby faith, andbeing renuedby theholieGhotl : and ingraffed intoChriff . For fo the Apofile fpea- Rorn.89. keth , Ifanie man hauenotthe fpirit of Chriíl, he is not his : therefore, who- foeuer is Chrifls, and is ingraffed into Chriíl , it is necefiaie hee fhould haue the fpirit ofGOD. And whofoeuer haue recciued and doe enioye the fpirite of Chriíl; to their mindes the fame fpirite beareth recorde, that they are the Tonnes ofGOD,and maketh them to crue Abba, Father. And it is certaine, that noman is renued by theholie Ghofl, which is not perfwa- tied thatGod is his moll merciful! andmoil loping Father: and .therefore can call vpon him as a Father. Therfore, although all menue in thatthey are affu- red by the certain tie off iith, that God is their Father, and theyare his fónncs, doe not thereby argue andconclude that theyare eieaed to eternal! life ; yet al men indeed haue thereby a lure teflimonie oftheir election toglorie : becaufe ifthev be theIons ofGod,thyare allo heiresofeternall life. ThisTeflimonie I Nillbrieflie comprife within this Demonfiration : Whofoeuer call vpon'.hod, and in their hearts cry Abba,Father,theyarc the fonnesofGod : and it iscer- taine that theythus cric by the fpirit ofGod. And they whichare the fonnes of God, arealfó heiresofeternall tif,and theyhauebeenpredeffinateto'adopti- on: therefore it mull needs be,that all they whichare perfradcd, that they arc the Connes ofGodby the holy Ghof1 arepredeflinateto eternalllif, and inufì beperfwacled ofit. This is thefirfl teflimonie and the firfl raye, by which God reucaleth to tuerie Eleaman his predeflination : namely, by the holy Ghofü withinourhearts,bearina recordvntovs, that ixec are the Sons ofGod inChrifi,andbyatria. And let thisbe the fir argument, alto feruing tocon Ver.z. firme ouraffertion. Th: theft Thefecond waic,by whichGodreuealethroeuerie manhispredef illation, out of zhe is by his worde. I meant not anie particular worde, by which hee Both de- toed et tiare to anye outwardly in private and fpcciall matter, and that inexpreffe''od, thdr wordes, his eleaion : but the generall wordeofthe Gofpell, by whichChrift i callethall themwhichbelecue inhim, elea, bothby himfelfe andby his Apo- aiiu415, files, the newTeflament euerie where is moll manifeíl. For although in at lcngtla particular propofitions bee Faye not to thee, or to him particularly,1 hou t1cY £aye art elecltoeternal' life :yet by;neanesofgenerallpropofitious ,he cloth aswell r'xad dy conclude in the heart ofcuerie one thatbelecueth, that hcc is eleaed : as of xl,c , L 1 z anye pic Untti.,