Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

16o A ea GP_, ànie man (ball bee able to conclude unto particular Mien, that curieoneof them is aliuing creature indued with reafon by this generali propofition: Elie_ vie manis areafertable creature induedwith reason : the affunwptionbeing flip_ puffed. Therefore after this manerdealeth GOD; He bath chofen all and e- uerie fenerall manwhom beewas to indue withFaith, tohauethe euerlafling inheritance. ,br Furthermore,he publif-ieth it toal the EleEt by the Apoflles in this generali aThat propofition,t hat41ì thefait h, fxlare elec`l toetermill life.. a theaflumption is con- , whereby cealed in the vetde ofGOD. But when he giuethvs faith, heemaketheuerie a tsars r+p_ one of vs to make an affumption by himfelfe in his minde: But I am ofthe viiesthe sera' faithful' : for I finde in my felfe that I truely beleeue inChrii}. Therfore who it promire o is it that maketh this conclufionfor thee, that thou art predestinate to euerla- himfelfc. fling life ? euenGODhimfelfe : thepropofition being taken forthofthe Gof pelt and the affümption proceedeth ofthe gift ofFaith. But that indeedby whichwee properly amine to the knowledgeof the matter contained in the conclufion, is the middle tearme, as theycall it . Wherefore it is manifeft, that GOD by the worde ofhisGofpell, where bee faith; thatalltheFaithfall are ele5t : cloth reuealetoeuerie faithful! man his owne predeflination. Onely this one thing is tobee required, thatthe Faithfull man hea¡jng the vniuerfall propofitions, inhis minde fhould makean affumption : But I am faithful' by the giftand graceofGod,And is not GOD faid-tohave reuealed toeuerieman Deat.27,2,5 his fpeciall naalediedion in this general' propofition ,CKrfediserz«rie onethat dothnot continue in all thingsthat are written in this booke: althoughhee fay z r to noman fpecially, thou art accurfed : foreuerie one doth make thisaffump- 1 tion, thathe is accurfed : becaufe heknowveth moft certainely that heedoth not continuein all things that arewritten in the bookeofthe lawe Therefore the Schoole-men are deceiued, when they fay, it maybe that eueriemanmaie bee fuse ofhis ele&ion : namely, if l OD which is able, will reueale it to him yet, that hedothonely reueale it toaverie fewe,as the Apoftles : for God (as bathbeeneprouedand declared) euen byhis word, in generali propofiti- ons Both reueale to euerie manhis predeftination: for what canne bee more certaine th?n this demonftration?Whofoeuerdo truelybeleeue inChrift, they are e:e& toeternall life in Chrif1: but I truelybeleeue in Chrift; therefore I am ele&ed. But foiemakeanexception and fay, that this were a demonstration, andthat moft certaine and euident,,ifa manmightbee able to knowe that bee were indued with true Faith inChrifl': but here lieth all thedifficultie.For ma- nic think thatthey truelybeleeue inChrift, whereas neuertheleffe their Faith is hypocritical' and temporaries:as appearethby theEaangelitls. An/'we,gre. We gruntthat theywhich beleeue by fucha faith, which is in T'heywhich hypocrite and onely lafleth fora time; that they are deceiued whillithey think dieterurlÿ that they doe truely beiceue, and yet doe not indeed : for they are like them they tigers:butweefare h6ovthat w' hichdreame that they are Kings, shenas ncyareverybe, , is t",ey he thattheywhich helecue bya true faith, doeknoÿve whether they truelybeleeue 1_eue. or