Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e imprinting GOD, may beaiThredand certified of his predeffination. The otherrearm is; theinmage thatthere efFe6 s are not onely the effeas fimplie ofpredellitìation; butai- kdi o on vs fo fuch effects they áre, that they mayalfo bee feales ofit namely inprin. s lcfti t:ng invs a li.taely forme and imageor GOD, foreknowing vs, louing vs,e- leí`tingvs. ' And therefore,albeit w ee cannotfee the purpofe, the foreknow.. ledge, the elecSition and predeflina*_ion ofGOD as concerning our iclues, inGOD himfelfe foreknowing, willing, and elcdfing vs : yet wee maiebe- .` holdee in ourfelues force :fure reprcfcntations of all thefe imprinted, and cues Platt..ped invs by the worde : and foby thebeholding ofthefe formes and ini.pre1ons in our feines, ,,vee fhali cahly bee brought to the knowledgeof thofe patterns, (as it were) whièh are in theLord hirníèlfe. The matter (by reafon Os veriegood and comfortable) maie be declaredby a fïnáilitudc:God is like unto the funne in regarde ofvs:the funnewhen it fhineth vpon vs,andaf- ter a forte lookethvs in the face, it doth after fuch a fort imprint an imageof his light inour eyes, that wee alfoinlike manner being made,partakersofhis li htmay' wokeagainevponthefunneit felfe,and uponhis light : for the light ofthe funue and hisbeames being fent downe vponvs, are beaten backe and reflected againe towards the fun. Soin likemaser the foreknowledgeofGod, by which hebathand would acknowledgefor his from allextremity, it alwaies refteth inGod,& cannot ofit felfebe perccit,ed ofvs.Butyet white!! GodBoth acknowledgevs for his, he lothportrait in vshis clew, a certaine formeand i- mage ofhis foreknowledge:bywhichhe maketh vs,renouncing alotherGods, to acknowledge him for our onely true God. Thus it commeth topaffe, that through this true knowledgeofGod, whichhe vouchfafèthvs& by which we doacknowledge Godfor our God&Father:we may aftera fortbehold inGod hiinfelfhisforeknowledge, by which hehath foreknown vs forhis formes: For frff ofall, God loth acknowledge vs for his, and then theeleef beingmade partakersofthishislight and knowledge, he caufethvs in like mannertoac- knowledge him. To this purpofeferueth that which ourSauiourChrifl faith: firf?, (faithhe)I knowemyfheepe,afterhe addeth, &againe, l amknowneof ;3ois.33.14. rnine.As thoughhe 1houldfay,whilcs I acknowledge th formy Ihccpe,!make the by rneanes oftbis my light &knowledge, that they altocan acknowledge me for theirpaftor.So theapofile faith to the Galathians: whenye !hall know God,or ratherare knownofhim:he teacheth therfore,thatGod knew theGa- lathians,becaufe he had fit ft acknowledged theforhis, in hiseternal! Predefii- Gal.4.9 nation:& by giuing veto them this his w ifdome,he made them acknowledge the true Godfor their í od.Thefatne maybe faidofthe loueofGod,bywhich heooued v.s inChriff to euerlaflinglife,before the foundatiá oftheworld:God by lowing vs dooth print in ourhearts the image ofhis loue,bywhich we may loue himagaine fromour hearts : andas it were by the rçfleetionofthe funne beanies fent downeinto ourhearts, wee maie bee prouoked to lone againe. For the loue of GOD to vs beingeternall, and caufingcternall life, beget tech in the time appointed acertaineloue in.vs,feruing.for his emailglorie. And