Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

A4fl oftoufciennce . t And to this purpofe is thatofS,Iohn:vot thatWeefill lowed OJ, beet be- ,,Iofi.q:ro. cat!ft beefirttlamedvs; As though hee had laid, therefore .wee loue GOD; '.Iob.4.7 becaufe he firfl, that is before the foundationof the world:louingvs inChri(},103'.5. Sc by the ingrauing ofhis loue in our hearts, caufeth vsto louehim ag tine as aFa- ther. So loue is laid, ( towit, that loue by whichwe loue-GOD ) tobeeof GOD : that is,toproceede of the lone of God towards vs. AndPaul :criteth that the loueofGod, (namely, that loue by which heelonedvs) tobe fhed`i-n our hearts by the hohe Ghoti which is giuenvs : And by this u1eddingofthe loueofGod inour hearts,it comrncth to paffe thatlone is al 1) wrought inour keatts towards God. And therefore by that found loue by which wee leek; our lefties to ioucGod , wee are made tokuovvc howgreat that loueofGod is, bywhich heel .uedvs from all eternitie in Chrif}. And what is that loue cite but predefi¡nation? In Iike manner, el enlion by which heTingledvs from' the ref/ of,the world inChri(1, that wee might beholybefore him ; begetsin vs acertaine image e. uenofGodhimfelfe, that is, another elc ìion, by which we renouncingallo- ther Godswhich ereworfhipped in the world, make our choifeofthis our true GodIehouah, tobe our God;that he maybe alwaies before oureies, hewhich fandifiethvs,and the author of our wholefaluati on. Wherefore through this conflanteledion which is invs,we perceiue,rhatthat ele&tonwhichis inGod, asconcerning vs, is firme and fure: not only as wee gatherthecauleby the efa fed, but alloas \ve gather the patterne by thepilure : like as by the fïmiltrude of the formeof a Peale fafhioned in waxe, wee doe eafilie vnderfiand what is thevenie forme and fafhionofthe lealle. Therfore it is manifef$, that it is the manner ofGodby theeffectsofhis election &predefi ¡nation imprinted invs, toreueale toeuerieoneofvs his owne eleulion andpredefhnation: And that twowaies, bothbecaufe there arecertaine effès ofprede(}ination, and by the effeets,thecaufes are known:andallo becaufe there are certaine liuely types ofGods foreknowledge and eleniion, by which wee are fealed vppe voto GOD. Nowby the imprintingofthefe formesand types in vs,as thePeale is in wax: thevery fir(}patterns themfeluesare known what theyare. Furthermore, that there isnoman elected to eternal' life, which fhall not be fealedvp in the time appointed with thefe markes ofGods eleaion : It isma- nifef} out ofthefeplacesoffcripture, which treat ofeleEtionandpredell:inati- on, The Apo(}leteacheth,rhct We there eleted, shatwe might bee holieandRor `°4' Without blame. Alf() hee teacheth,that all theywhoa¡God bathpredellinated, Rom,ß,; o. are Iikewife called and iuflified, and by confecluent indued with Faith and knowledge ofGod, by which they take him for their Father: Withloueall,, wherewith theyloue him as aFather : Alfowith a good will andconfiant pur- pofe, by which they delire con(}antly his glorie. Againe, he faith in another a.Taa r place, the focsstdaticrz Jts°¡dabfire, halting this feaie (in refpeuì ofGOD) st. theLordel. owcthwhoarehis, Noweinrcfpeaòfvs,heputtethdowue ano -. then 4