Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

164 Any(efc®n(ienee. therfeale, laying:let himdepartfrom inigrsitie which called) vpon the name ofthe Lord ;forwith this marke, all the elet`2 arebranded. Theycall vpon the name ofthe Lord,and departfrom iniquitie:feekingafter holin.:ffe and agood confcience. And this is that foaling which isfo oftenmentioned inthe fcrip- Apoc.z 3. tunes: As when in the Apocalipsit is Paid, that an innumerable multitudewas loh. 6.27. (catch! to the Lord. For, likeas thefather foaled lefusChrifi as he was man and a.cor.t.zt Mediator; foado there[} ofhis children he bathfealed, and dothdaylie Peale gphe.r.t 3. with lure notes and fealesto difiinguifh them from othermen,and thechildren 30' ofthis age. For God is laid ro haueannointed vs , and fealedvs, and giuenvs the earned ofhis Spirit inour hearts.And againe,tohauefealedvs with theho- lieSpirit ofpromife, and that to the dayeofredemtion. As it is eafie todifcerne a rightfealefrom a counterfeit,fo the true foulesofGod (by the fealingofthe fpirit)are diflinguifhed fromhypocrites, and lawfull children frombafiards. It remaineth, that wee fhould declare fame effeó}s of Predeflination : by Thechiefe which , asbymarkes and feales, the Eledl maybedifcerned fromReprobates. effeE`is of The firti effe ìofPredeflination, is Chri(I himfclfe ; ashee is a Mediator and pr,:d:ífina- our Saui dwelling hearts byhisholie Spirit. For as wee are eleCed- tion by eg in our y p which the in him , and by him redeemed ; fo by the fprinkling of his blond, wee clea are are cleanfèd and fealed and by his dwelling invs quickened, ( for hee isour clifcerrted life and that eternal!) and thereforewee are feuered from Reprobates which from the rc alitdies remaine in death, as in the holie Scriptures weeate taught . Wefay probate. that this is the firtl effedt ofPredeflination, becaufe we can enioy noneofthe gifts ofGod, eitherof eleuion, vocation, or iullification, except inChrifi, and by Chríti : For beebathpouredout all the effeòls of Predeflination intovs. In that therefore euerieele&c faithfull man feeleth Chrifi to dwell in him, andto quicken hi ; bee bath a Peale in himfelfe, by which he made knowe that bee was elected to euerlafiing life in the fame Chrifi Apart and beginning ofwhich life, is this fpiritualllife,by.which wee nowhuetoGOD. Andas eue- rieman knoweth himtfelfeto bee thefonne ofGOD in Chrifi, becaufehee callethvpon GOD from hisheart as a father: fo heemaye conclude,that hee is predcfiinared tobee the formeofGod forChritis caufe. And thatby this firfi note the faithful! maie knowe that they areelect to eternall life: the Apofile ílteweth, Kaoweyee not (faithhee) your f lues that Was Chri isinyou, ex- cept ycebsreprobare:? And no doubt a Type of this kindeoffealing, was that a.Cor. 13.5 fealing hich was done in Egypt,by the bloud ofthe lambe : namely,when the houfesofthe;fraeliteswere fl;rinkledwith this blood, that they might be difcerned from the houfesôfthe AEypti ans : and fobee palfed oucr vntouched of theAngell. And byChrifi, asby the chiefe effe& : yea and the caufe too ofall theof eas whichfollow: all other etfedís ofPrede(ination areput into Rom,8. 30. vs, andwe are fealed with them:. The Apofllenarneth three principals, our calling, (towit effeóivall )ouriufiiñcation andglorification .This thirdeflet, wee ffiall obtaine in the life to corne, the two fira in this life, And to there twomayevalewell bee referredall other, Nvhich wee receiue in this lifeby Chrifi,