Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ACdfilßfcanjcience. 167 tie, be carried away with a delire to doe thofe thinges which ferueforthe ad- namingof hisglorie : and therefore thatyou loue all thofe, which de&reand feeke the fame, as the brethren and friendsofChrifl. For therebe theeffeas which canneuerbe fevered from true faith. And this is thedirpofitionoftruc faith therefore, aslongas thou feelefl there efkóls in thy felfe, albeit venie ílé- der and greatly languifhing, yetaffure thy fèlfè thou art inducd with truefaith, although it be weake: and therefore thou art in Chrifl,yea and in Chrifl ele- &ed to. Wherefore thou muffnot doubt ofthyfaluation and eleelion, by rea- fon ofthydaylieflippes, proceeding franc thy weaknes offaith, no not for hai nous crimes : like as neither Dauid for his adultery and murder, not Peter for his threefold denial', did dcfpaireoftheir elcdion :which appeared', in thatbe- ingplunged in theverygulfes oftheir temptations, they held fall their faithas an anker, and calledvpon God. This is theIccondprop. Lally, in no wife we mu(' forgetparnely thatoureleilioniscertaine and imtnutable :and therefore, as it isdone without rebce.El of anie workcsofours:fo in like fort it canneater be changed by anydoureuill deferts. Forasit firíl proceeded from the onely free purpofeofGed ;foitisgroundedthereon. True it is: weprouokeGodswrath againíl vs by our finnes, and neither will GOD letthem efcape vnpunifhed, but he chaflifethvsbydiuerfe, both inward andoutward scourges : as may ap peare inDauid aboneall other. Yet for all that, it is his good pleafure, that for hisgoodnes fakeand truth, for the obedienceofChrifl, thathispurpofe fhould remaine fùre, and our eleèlion. So it cornmeth topaflè, thathegiuethvs re- pentance anew, toraife vs vp, and to receivevs to tauour.Therefore,although fortheprefix; thou field/'thy .felfe to beofweake faith, and to hauefallen to diners finnes : yet whereas heretofore thouhail had manie and euident teflircio- aniesofthyele&ion, as the teflimonie ofthe holy Ghofl, and the teflimonie ta- kenfrom Faith, and theeffeéls ofFaith : atthisprefent affuredly thoueanfl not. doubt ofthyelectlion,for thy finnescommitted; butthou fhalt much derogate' from this freeeleoîion, andalfo from the teflirnoniesofthy eleéion heretofore enioied,yea and thofewhich yet thou enioyefl. For ifthy fins difpleafe thee,and thoudefirefl toline without blame,onely forthat thy finnes difpleafe thee:why now thou hail anew teflimonieofthyeleelion : for fuch repentance as this i;. ás onelypropervino the elect}. Therefore, by there threeprops wemufl uphold our faith, as touchingeuerieones particularelcelion. And thus muchas con cerning thecertainty, with thew hichBurrymanmull be perfwaded that heels acted in C.hrift toeternaillikbefore the foundationofthe world,. Minion