Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Affertion.Tr. Whofoeuer are predeftinated to the end, they are all predeßinate to the rneanes withocit which they cannot attaine to the end: and thereforeas theeh.1 neccj'nri1 at ler,gtb doe comevnto the end,by reaf©nofthe cer- tairtie oftheir elution ;Jo alb by reafonofthe famecertainctie, it is ne- eefarie that theyjh.stldbe traced through thofemeanet Which tend to thefame end. Emull marke the end to whichwee are predeffinate, The endof ,,C3'_ and towhich we faythat one daie wefhall be brought: oui redo- for thereis a double endeofour ele&&ion : the one con- ' cerneth the elect themfelues,namely their glorificatiô, 1$ination. 4' \ or their eternall life and glorie in heauen. Ofwhich is i.,,,, / 4 ,l` fpoken, T\grn.B. The other conerneth God himfelfe !r ....,,......4....4 which chufeth, namelie, the gloryof God: that is,that the glorieofhisgrace maybe known, andeternally made manifeftofvvhich is mentiômadc Eph.i.Bothof them arefocoupled together,that whofoeuer are pra:ele&ed to thefirfi, are alto prededinate to the latter, and the latterfollow- cth ofthe former. For themore we Thal be Made partakersofthe graceofGod and the heauenly glorie : fo much alto more & morefinal theglorie ofGodbee made rnanifeff in vs. But becaufe the end whichconcernethGod, is almoffall one in the reprobation ofthe wicked,&in the prededinatió ofthe faints:name- Iy,that as by the faluatióof thefe which proceedethofhis tneere goodnes, the glorieof hisgrace is made manifeff:fo alloby thekid danatió ofthe other, the glorieofhis divine iuffice maybe made known to al: Neuertheleffe,con(de- ring that the end, to which ché elea (hal attaine, isfar diuers from that (for it is eternal life)vnto which thereprobates areappointed(for that is eternal death:) therefore theendof whichwe treat in this affection, is oureternal! glorification andeuerlaffing life in heauen. Let vs nowe fee in the fecond place, what are thofe meaner, by which the Themeans eleJ arebrought vnto thisend : and therefore to which meanes wee hold; to,vhich that all are predcffinate w'hofcaeuer are predeflinate to the end. And they we - are of two forts, fb ne ofthem are fo neceffarie vnto all that without them dcfiinate, s , 'hewmanic no man (implycan attainevntoeternall life andglorie: and theyare Chriff, as they be,and bee is mediator arid high Pried, and hisobedience and Iuflice(for without which. Chriff no man canbe faued :) allo our effeauall calling toChriffby the holy Ghod : and that which followeth this, isour iudification, yea andourregene- rationtoo.Forthefefoure, prededination,vocation,iuffification andglorifi- cation, are fo linked together, that it is not pofiible to fewer theone from the other. And therefore noman can begloriliedwhich is not iufiified,& nomati canbe iuflified,whichisnot efelually called, asallono ma canbeeffe&ually calm