Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

VW c »ì /crence. 169 calledwhich isnotpredeflinate : therefore without there, not much aschil- dren and infants canbee brought to thisendeofeternall glorie. And therfore euenall the ele5l infants are inwardly,ina certaine peculiar manner,by theho. lyGhofi,called,and iuflified,&glorified.Now there are fumecertaine tneane3 annexedvnto theië, which albeit they haue no place in infantes, by reafcnof their age, yet theybelong to all othereles, howfoeuer they are found in fame more plenteous &liuely, and in otherCome more 'lenderand weake.As narne- lie, a liuelie faith, the hearing oftheword, adeteRationofiinne, the loueof righteoufbeffe, patience in aduerhtie, a care to doegood workes (and filch like) all which the Apoflle cotnprehendeth vnder the nameof goodworkes; when he faith, that tvce are treated, that is,borneaneone inChrif+, vetorood n-® which Godbath prepared, that n'ee might wake in them, that is, that 411.2.2o. wee might leadourliues in then, and fo walking at lengthmight come to e- ternal' life : for without them, weecannot come to eternal' glory; but bythem GOD trayleth vs thither. Thereforewee faie, that all which are ele l to that ende, are alfòpredefmate to thefatne tñeanes. For predeflination is not only oftheende, but altoofthemeanes whichconcerne the ende :andall, as wel the ende as the meanesare theeffess ofpredeflination. And therefore itis verie true which Augu'line faith : predeffination (faithhee) is a preparation to the graces ofGOD; bywhich they indeed are freed, v< hofoeuerare freed, Therefore, the firfi gift ofGOD (that wee maie briefelyconfider the effects TheFlit ofpredefiination)prepared for allthe elect°; without which they can inno wife bcne6t of come to the ende : andtherefore thefirs) Teti ofprcdefftnatton is ourLord God,prede.4 7efts,with his obedience, merits, death, refurretlion,glorie:namely, in that re- ílinatirzg vs fiiett{he ismade mediatour betweene god the fatherandvs,and theheadofall isC1 rifì, the eleît. And therefore, in as muchas hee isfilch a one, hee is alto the caufe ofall other graces andbenefits, which comevnto vs by the free predeflinati onofGOD.Forthe efedis ofpredefiinationare foorderedamongthemfelues that the firfi, whichgoebefore, are thecaufes efficient,or(ifwewill fofpeake) the materiali caufes ofthe latter, and thole that followe. Therefore, feeing Chrifl is the fill'effesofpredeflination,he is allo thecaufe ofall other of%ss, by whomweeare made partakers ofthem. The Apoflle therefore faith very well to the Ephefians : In the farfl place (faithhee) wee are eleeled in Chrifi, namelyas in the head, tobeehis members. Secondly, he writeth that wee are EN,r.4.&r. predeílinateto adoptionbyChrifl, namelytoobtaine it: forWee are adopted into theSonnes ofGOD in Chrifi, the firft begotten fonofGod, andbyma- kingvspartakersofhis fonfhippe; wee are realliemade the fonnesofGOD, yea, and wee are alto indued withhis fnirite too, that wee might beeborne a- new. Thirdly, (he faith) wee are made acceptable and, beloved vino the fa- Cial ,s thee, andhis beloved fonne, namely, Chrifl. Foutthly, thatwee haueour re- demptionin the fame Chrif},by his bloud,andhaueobtained remifiìonoffius, andall wifedome and vnderfiandiríg. Fiftly, that in the famearia, althings are reconciled, aswell in heauen, as inearth. in aworde,theApoflle fheweth there