Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

eNt3vit TO THE RIGHT HOMO. RABLE EDWARD, LORD RVS- SEL EARLE OF BEDFORD: ¡ractandpeace beraul- tip/ted. Ight Honourable , if you confider what is one of the chiefefl orna- mentsofthisnoble flate,vntowhich Gadhathaduanced you : It will ap- peare,that there is nonemoreexcel- lent, then a the fpirite ofgrace and azach.m.r prayer. For what doth your hart affect ? wotld you fpeake the languages? Behold; byprayer you mayé fpeake themollheauenly tongue that euerwas,b euén. the language ofCanaan. Would you haue thevalor RO ts6. ofknighthood ? By prayer you may íland in place where Gods hand hath made a breach, and doe as c Pratte9.2 much as .a all the Chariots&horfeìnen in a kingdome. Mn1.a. Wouldyou inioyGods bleflingswhich youwant ? By prayer youmay (asitwere) put your hand into the cofers of Gods treafures e and inrichyour felfe. Doe.matthm. you delire the fauour of Monarks and Princes ? By prayer youmaycome in prefence and haue fpeeche with Iehouac thekingofheauenandearth.Lafily,would youknow,whether now liuing youbedead, that be- ingdeadyoumay lice foreuer? Byprayera man may Mm 4 know,