Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

G' is e know,whether he be dead to finne,dead to theworld, liue toGod,liue toChrit.and liue eternally. Prayer then,being fo excellent a poynt ofReligion: I am imboldened to commend this fmall treatife to your IHonour : not fo much for it felfe, as becaufe it doth fet out the matter and true manner of invocati- on of Gods holy name. And I hope for your fauour inaccepting of it,the rather,becaufe I doubt not but your delire is tobe anfwerable to your moll honora- ble, and for religion nmoft worthy anceftors,, in the care of maintayning and conntenancing any good thing that may anywith ferue for, the furtheringofthc Gofpell ofChrift. Now IefusChrift our Lord, andGod euen theFa- ther which hath loued vs, and giuen vs euerlafting confolation, and good hope through grace, ftablifh your Honor in euerygoodwordand work to theend. Tour H. to command. WilliamPerkins.