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o; r®,.'Don t..eor..s _ rayer. 19; 466a,thatir,father. AndRom.8. 26.Lifteivifethefpirithe1pethourinfirmities: forwee knownot what topray asweought : butthe mini itfelfe makethregaeît. AndZach. r ThyholyGhot+iscalled, Thefpirit ofgrace,anddeprecations or prayer:. Wellthen,theman that would pray,mull haueGods fpirittobehis fchoole- rnafler,toteach him topray,withgrones and fighesof the heart : for thewords make not theprayer, butthe grones and delires ofhis heart : anda manprayes for nomore thanhe defireswith the heart,andhe whichdeliresno- thingprayes not at all,but fpcnds lip-labour. The fecond workeofthefpirit,is toaffurevs in our confciences that weeare in the flare ofgrace reconciled to God. Rom.8. x 6. Thefpirit ofadoptionbearethwitnefwith aurtpiritr that we are the childrenof God. And this invvardcertificateofthe fpiritin all exercifes of inuocation isvery necetíarie : forhe which wants this atliurance,ifhe be fe- cureandbenummedinhisíinnes,will not,and ifhee beetouched inconfcience for them,forhis lifedarenotcall Godfather. Alto this confutes the opinion of theChurchofRotne,which teacheth,that man is todoubtwhetherhebeadop- ted or no. For howcan a mantrulycallGod father, when heedoubteswhether hebe thechilde ofGod,orno?It is amiferable kindeofpraying to call God fa- ther,andwithal'todoubtwhethi:rhebea father. Indeede it is true that doubts will oftenarife,butit is ourduetie to flriueagainfl them, andnot toyeelde to them. Yeabut (faytheyto be certaineofGodsmercie is prefumption. Ian- fwer,if it beprefumption,it is anholyprefumption,becaufeGod hath bidden vs tocall him father OurFather.] 1. The meaning. THus muchofthe argument ofrelation ; now let vs proceede. It is further fayd, Ourfather. And heis fo tcrmcd,becaufe bee is the father ofChriaby nature; and inhim the fatherofeuerybelccuer . yea ofthe whole bodieof the Church. r, Qrteil. Whethermayitbelawfullforvsin prayerto lapnotourfather,but my father? Anfw. AChriílianmayinprivateprayer fay, (Aftfather. This is warrantedby the cxampleofour Sauiour,Matth.a6.39. 0mJ father ifit bee pofble,let thiseuppapfrensme.And Matth.27.46.MyGod,my Gad,whyhaft thouforfokenme?AndThomas prayed, Lafy Lord/andmy God: And Paul, I sine thanies tomy God,rc. AndGodspromife is.Ierem.3 . r 9. Thou¡halt call memy father. ThemeaningofChrtu isnot to binde vsto tildewords,but to teachvs that in ourprayers wemull nothaue regard to our feluesonely,butal. fotoour brethrtn,and therefore when we pray for them in our privateprayers asforourfchics,vireputinpraafe the truemeaning ofthefewords. Nn 3 2.Th4