Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Ir4 Expofirionvon t an' Z.Tbevfit. VtHen wepray , ticamu(i notmakerequefl only forourfelues and our owne good , but for others alfo, as the Church and peopleofGod, perfwadingourfelues that we alto arepartakersof their prayers : and for the better clecringofthis point,let vs fearch whotheyarefor whó we are topray. Ofmentherebe two forts,fome liuing,fomedead.Ofthefe twokindes, the lining arc to beprayed for,and there is nopraying for the dead. Amats that is dead,knowes what (hall be his etlateeternallie:if hee died a wickedperfon, that is, an vnrepentant fanner, his íaa'te(hall bee according in eternall torment: ifhedied,hauingrepented ofhis fins,then heefha11 refi with God in hiskingdome, Apo. 14.13. Blcffedare they which die in the Lord,for tlhey reff from their ¿zboscr', andtheir reorket follow them. Gal. 6. r O. While wehz,íetimcjt ii: doegood:oa!I men.Where we maynote that there is a time, namelyafter death,whenwe cannot dogood toothers. Agai n,oftheliuing,fomeareour enexnies,andfameour friends: Ourfriends are they whichare ofthe fá:ne religion,affe6fion , and'difpofition. Foes are either privateor publike: Publike foes , are either enemies to our countrie, as tyrants, traytors,&c.or enemies to our religion,as Lewes, Turkes, Papifis, I n- fidels ,Atheifls, Now towardsall thefe,how ought a man to l?ehaue himfelfe inprayer? Anfrer.Heeistopray for them all. Match. 5.44. Prayfor then whichhartyou, andperfecsiteyou. r .Tim. z . verf. t . Ie.hortthat prayers, in- tercefflont,&c.bemadefor allmen,fir kings.&c.Yet whEPaul gaue thiscorn mandement, we readenot that there were anyChriflian kinges,but all In- fidels. And theTewes are commanded topray for Babylon, where they were captiue,Ierem. 29.7. Andfeeketheprofferityofthe ci:ie,whitber 1haueeau- fedyou tobecarriedcaptiue,andpray untothe Lordfor it. 0aefion,How and inwhat maner arewe to pray for our enemies? Anfw. We are toprayagainfl theirfinnes, counfels, enterprifes,but not againfl their perfons, Thus prayed Dauid againfl Achitophel. 2.Sam.15. 3 t . Lordipray thee, bring the counfel of ,4chitophel to foohlhnefe. And thus did the Apo- files pray againfl theirperfecutors, A61.4. z9.0Lordbeholdtheirthreatnings,. andgrantunto thyfen tantt withall heldnet to flea lie thyword. Qeßion.Dauidvfeth imprecations againll hisenemies , in which he pray- ethfor theirvtterconfufion, asPfa. 59 and 109. &c. The like is donebyPaul, Ga1,5.t. 2. Tim.4.14. andPeter, 8. 2o.Thoughafterwardes hee miti- gateshis execration. But howecould they doe it? 'Oliver. 1. Theyyvere in dued with anextraordinarie meafureofGds fpirir, and heereby they were enabled todifcerne oftheirenemies,andcertainly to indge that their wicked- tiesandmalice wasincurable , and that they íhould neuerrepent.Andthe like prayers did the Prim itiue Church conceiueagainfl Julian the Apoflata,be- caufe theyperceiued him tobe a malicious and defperate enemie. a. Secotdlc, y