Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

32 Haw/Ore4Reprobate therefidueofthe affections. The fecond,is adeep & liuelyrootingofthe word, whentheword is receiued into themindandinto the hart by the wil and al the affeóions ofthe hart.The ftrtl kindofrooting oftheword, befalleth toa repro- bate,whovnderJandeth and reioyceth in thepromifes offaluation,yet he doth notput anyconfidence in them : he cannót reif in them, he doth not reioyce thathis name is writtenin the bockeoflife,hedoth not worke out his faluati- on with feareand trembling. In aword,his hart isin part foftened to reioyce at p Aid ç r e thepreachingofthe wordofGod:Pyet his hart isnot opened as Lydias was,nor Pfa.a 19.3z enlarged(as Dauidfaith) to imbraczthe trueth:but the Elee$, he receiueth the word, not only intohis mind,leafl it fhouldbe onlyan irnagination,but alfoit is deeplyrooted in his heart.For, I In fore confidencebeerefieth himfelfeonGods.prcmife. Rom. S. 3 S. Heb.r o.2. 2. 2 He horethand longeth to fee the accompiifhmentofit. t .Thef. t, i o. 3 He heartily loueth God for making Each a promife to him in Chria. a. lohn 4. i o. 4 He reioyceth in it,and therefore loth meditate on it continually. Luke .. y o. 2o. Rom.5.2. 5 He hateth all dotfrines which areagainf it. 6 He is grieuedwhen he dothany thing that may hinder the accompli(h- ment ofit .Matth. 26. 75. 7 He ofeth the meanes tocome to faluation,but with feareand trembling. Phil. 2. 12. $ He burneth with zeale ofthefpirite,&c. And fo the reff of the affe&ions. are exercifedabout the 1 rcrnifesofGod in Chriff,andby this meanes , is the deepe rooting ofthe word in theheart. Thus it commeth topaf e , thattheReprobate falleth away from faith in the day oftryall and temptation, but theeletl cannot bechanged. XXXIIII. Thus it appeareth, how feareareprobate may proceed inreligion : thecon- Tideration of thispoint I dire& veto two forts ofinen. Carnali Gofpellers,and Papifls.Carnali gofpellers are fuck amongvs , asknow theword, but obey it not; or fuch,asbearing a profefíionneither know it,nor obey it. And the heft of thefe come fhortofreprobates in twopoints. L.Infaith,thc ycome fhort ofÿ di- ' uil moff ofthé.Thedeuil beleeareth andtrembleth:but they contrari wifeliuing in their fnnes,beleeueand,hope. How comes thisto pafle ? Thedeuil knoweth theGofpell,andthepointes of it: and withal he beleeueth the terrible threat- flingsofthe law,andtherefore trembleth. Drowfe Proteflantes beleeue the GofpeIl as the deuill doth ; though he the pointes ofit better than theydoe : asfor the lawand thethreatenings therof,they do not beleeue them : and thatmakes them euen when they liue in their finnes to hope and pre- fumeoft-nude. Therefore thedeuillbeleeuesmoreofGods worde then they doe.Secondly theycome íhort ofwicked men in outwarde obedience. The yang,