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maygee inChrif ianitie. 31 Philitlins: f And for Paulescaufe theywhichwere with him in the`fhipwere fA&.27a4 prcfcrued.And againe , areprobate bymeanes of the faithofeytherof his pa. rentes may bce within Gods couenant, and fo maybe madepartakerofßap- g Gcf.17.7 tifine,onc ofthefeales ofthe couenant. For fo Godmade couenant with io Abraham, g that he wóuldbe notonlyhis God, but alto theGodofhis feede after him : h which Pauleexpoundeth notofa few, but ofall nations. Altobee h Gag 3 i. faith rnanifeflliethat thole children, either ofwhofeparents arebeleeuers,iare holy: which Iolíncffe is not inherent in theirperfons, butonly outward : and it ir.Gor.7:14 is a fpirituall prerogative graunted them ofGod, in that he vouchfafeth themRom. a 1.16 'tobe in his couenant: whereby theyare dillinguifhed from the wicked and prophane men ofthe world. XXXIII, Betides this,reprobates bane force prerogatiues ofGod:kas that he is pati- ent towards there : thatbefore he will deflroy them , he vfethmany meanes to k R0.9.22, winthem, that they commonly fpendall the daves oftheirhues inprofperitie: l'4`5* 3g' infomuch,that it is faidofthem in the Pfalme : 1 that they.goe rnconunstallprof I Pr:r 3. r 2, perity vino theirdeath, & pine net array as thechilli'o fGod do. mBut after a in 2.Pct. z certain time God in his hill iudgment hardneththeir harts,blindcth the eyes Of22 their mindes,he maketh their headsgiddiewith a fpirituall drunkennes, and by Z.Ttm. 2 s. the flrengthof their inward luíls,as+altoby the effeCtuall operation ofSatan, Eta.7.o theyfall to open infidelitie,andcontempt ofGods word, and fo run headlong to their ovine damnation,and perifhfinallie.And in this they are like to hacks, which fo long as they liue are cariedon the bandes ofnobleMen : but when they aredead,they arecall on the dunghil."Iulianthe Apoffatawas firfl aman nTheodor learnedandeloquent,andprofeffed the religion ofChritl;but afterward,he fel i`' 3'H'ß' Ia- cay.zS, and tia rote a bootieagainíl theReligion ofChrifl,anfweredby Cyrill : andon a rob, i3ergo, tirne,in a battell againfl thePerfans,was thrutl into the bowels with a, dart, chron no man thenknew how,whichdart hepulledout withhis ownehand, & pre- fentlybloud followed,whichas it guthed out,he took it in hishand , & flung it into theaire,faying,Viczi galilæt t acifti.Othou Galilean (meaning Chrifl) thouart theconquerour:thou artthe conquerour :§thus he ended ;his dayes in blafphetning, Chrifl whomhe hadprofcffed.The reafon ofthis Apoflafie is eui- dent. ° Seede, that is not deeplie rooted in the earth, at the beginning ofthe o Mat. 13 yeare,fpringethvp ;it isgreene, and bringethfoorth leaues andflowers, and zs (it maybe)force kinde offruitetoo : when the heate ofSummer commeth, it partcheththe earth , and thecorne wantingdeeprooting , and therefore wan- ting ahoy(lure , withereth away.Gods worde is like feed; which that it may bringfoorthfruit vntoeuerla flinglife ,it muff be firPr recciuedofthe ground: fecondly,itmtifl bo rooted :thc receiu ing ofit,is hen the mindevnderílan deth it,and remembreth it:the rooting ofit, is when being beleeued,itpierceth to theheart,and takethholdeofthe affeaions . This rooting is offtwoforts: the ñrfl is,when the word rooteth,but not deepeynough, as when the word is re- ceiuedinto the mind and into theheart, by theioyofthe heart, but not with Cc z the