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expoftrtonvpnn theLords Prayer. 197 heagaidi God,the other againft men.This t3nnebecaufe it isagainfithefiat Table,and thereforemorehard tobe difcerned, it islightlie effeemed, and it leffe troubles theconfciences ofignorant men : yea as it is indeed, fo it is tobe efleemed asa difgrace andplaine mockerieofGods aieflic.VVhereforefee . ing God is inheauen,away with all drawl-e anddead praying let vscome with reuerence inour heartsbefore theLord. -4. Againe,we are hereto confider that our hearts inprayer muff mount vp intoheauen,and there beprefenì with,the Lord. Mal. 25. t. Vote theeOLord, lift 1 vpm,foule. The little child is neuer wellbut when it is in the fatherslap, orvnder themothers wing:andthe childrenof Godarc neuer in better cafe, thenwhen in affection and fpirit they cantcome intothe prefenceof their hea- uenlyFather,and by prayer as it were tocreepe into his bofome. 5. Andheere wee muff ?nailer learne,fpecnally to leek for heavenly things, andtoaske earthly things , fo farce foorrhas theyferue to bringvs to an euer- failing& immortali inheritance inheauen to which weare called, t.Pet. 1. 3. 6. Lafllie,wheras ourfather is in heauen , weeare to !came that our life on earth is but apiLgrimaw,and that ourdcfre muff be to attain toa bettercourt- trie,namelie,heauen it feife, and that wee muff vfeall meanes continually to comevnto it. Ina word ,to make an end ofthepreface:in it is contained adoue ble flay or propofall ourprayers Theone isto bcleeue that God can graunt ourrequefls,becaufebe isalmightie,and thusmuch is fignifcdwhen he isfaid tobein beauen.The fecond is tobeleeue thatGod is readyand willing togrant thelame, and this we aretaught inthe title Father, which ferues to put vs in mind that God acceptes our prayers,loh. r 6.3a. and bathacareofvs inalour miferies andneceflìties, Math. 6.32. and pitieth vsas muchas any earthlyFa. diet can pitiehis child.Pfal. t o3 r 3. Yet mutt wenotimagin thatGodwil indeedglueunto vswhatfoeuerwedo . upon ourown heads fancie& definubut we mutt inourprayershaue recourfe to the promifesofGod,andaccording to:the tenour therofmuft we frameand fquare our petitions : Thinges promifed abfolutely,as all graces necefl'arie to faluation,maybeeaskedabfolutely: and thinges promifed withcondition, as graces leff'eneceffarie, and temporallbleflings are tobe asked with condition). namely,fo farfoortkas they fhall be for Godsglorie invs, and forourgood:ex- cept it be fothat Godpromife any temporalibleffiing abfolutely,as heepromi. fed ilfue toAbraham inhis old age. Thekingdom toDauid.afcerSaul..A de- huerancefromcaptiuitie in Babylon after 7o. yeeres tothe Ifraelites. Againe,thepreface ferues to flittevp loue and feare in thehearts ofthem that are aboutto.pray. Loue, becaufe theypray a father: fcarc, bccaufe heis: full Qfrna:eflie inheauen... Hallowea _,