Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4n expo st otmpotnt o for I Prayer, Which art inheauen. I. Themeaning. .Q.frefi OwmayGodbe laid to bee inheauerr, feting bee is infinite, and therefore mull ueedeshe euerywhere!' r. King.8.2 7. Theism:ens ffheauens .ore>gat able toeautaitrchim. Aufv. God isfaid tobe inheauen: firft,, bécaufehis maie[lie,that is,his power, wifedome, kill ice, mercie, ismade ma- nifeafromthencevntovs.Pfal. t i S. . Our God isinheauen anddathrahatfa. euer he will.Pfal . a ,}. thethat du'elleth in heauen fliaälaugh them tofcorwe, &theLord/hallhaue thiinder:fton. Efayfaith66.?. ?husfaith theLord, Hea nenismy throne,and the earth itmy fooriloole. Secondly, afterthis life bee will manifelt and exhibite the fumesof his glorie to his Angels and Saintesin.the highefi heauens,and that imniediatlyanl vifibhe. 2.7bevfe. I. LìEerbyfira we learne that Romilh pilgrimages, whereby men went "fromplace toplace toworflaipGod, arevaine, and foolifh.TheGod towhome we mull pray is inheauen :Nowe let mentrauelltowhatplace , or country they wil,they f nalnot come the neererto heauen,orneerer to God by trauelling,feeing the earth is in euerypart alike.ditlantfrom heauen. 2. Secondlie, thisouerthrowes popifh idolatrie,as worfhipping ofcrofles, crucifixes,roodes, &c. vied to put men inmind ofGodand Chrifl. VVee are taught to lift vpour eies to heauen ; feeing God is there :andhow can wedo this,aslong asour minds and eies arepoaring upon an image madebymans arte? 3 . Again, weare hereadmonifhed tovfe the a&ionofprayer with asgreat reuerence aspoffible maybe, andnottothinke ofGod in anyearthlymanner. VVellreafonsSalomon,Ecclef.S.r. BenotraJh with thy mouth tofiea4aword before God.VVhy?Heir in heauen,thouart inearth : therfere let thywordesbee few. This reuerencemufa appeare in holinel aofall our thoughtes andaffeeli- ons;and inal cornelines ofgeflure.Andfor this caufeal wanciringby thoughts and-allvainbabblingis tobe auoyded, but how goes thecafe with vs,that on the times appointed come to theaffemblies topray? Many, by reafon oftheit blindneffepraywithout vnderflanding.Many,when theyareprefentatprayer, lybet haue their hartsoccupied about othermatters,abòut theirgoods &world- ufinefle:fuchmen haueno ioy or gladnes in praying; it is a burthen to t m. Many come to theaffembly forcüflomeonely ,orfor feareofpunifh- ment;ifthey mightbeleft freetheycould find in theirbearts,not toprayat all. But letalfuchmenknow,that thismaner ofpraying is averie grievous fin,nay greater then mockingoffather ormother, killingor Healing, forit is direól;- lie