Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

JtzExpoftttonVfeta the Lords praier. 201 Dauid)gt+jfi out with ricersofarater,6ecaufmenkeepenot thy lawet. Therea. fon is,becaufe hewhich huesin rune, reprochesGods name; even as an euill childe difhonorshis father. Now fome will fay that this cannot bee : becaufe our frames cannot hurt God. True indeede : yet are they a caufe offlaundering Gods nameamongmen : for as weehonourhim by our goodworkes,fo wee difhonorhim by ouroffences. Matth, S. t 6. Let your light fPinebefore men, that they mayfeeyour good workes,ardglorr fieyour father which is inheauen, 4. Crtces tobedcfired. s. THe graces tobedered,and tobe prayedfor at Godshand,are three.The fira is the know /edgeofCod, thatis, that wee might know him as hee bath reuealed hitnfelfe hi his word, workes, andcreatures. For how fhall any glorifie God before bee knowhim ? Our know ledge in this life is impeded. Exod .5 .Motes maynot fee Gods face,but his hinder parts. r.Corinth. r: 3.12. Wemay fee God as men doe,through fpecìacles in his word,facratnents, and. creatures. And therefore as Paul prayed for the Colofsians, Car . t o. That theymight istcreaf intheknowledge ofGod: fo are wee taught to pray for our feluea in this petition. 2. Wedefire that a zeale ofGods glorie maybee kindled in our hearts, and that wemay bee kept fromprophaning and abufingofhis name. Pfalan,69.9. Thex,ealeof thine honfebath eatenme vp.Píalm.45. i.e..31yheart(ballutter, orcats ripagoodmatter. lwill fteake in my worhes of the King. Here the fpirit ofGod borrowes a comparifon frommen thus. As be which bath fomewhat lyingbeanie in his flomacke, is neuerquiet till he haue call it vp : mien fo the care and delire to glorifieGods namemua lieupon amans heartas anbeauie- burthen : andhe is nottobeat cafe andquiet withhimfelfe till he beedisbur- dened, in founding fcorthGods praife. Luther faith well, that this is Sanc`f t crapula: thatis,an holy furiet: and it isno hurt continually tohaue our hearts ouercharged thus, 3. Adelire to leade agodly andvpright life before Godand men, We fee men that are in fome great callingvnder honorable perfonages, will fo order and behaue themfelues,as they may pleafe and honor their mailers : euen fo muaourlilies bewell ordered,andwee are to labour towalke worthie ofthe Lord(as Paul fpeaketh)that we mayhonour ourheauenly Father. Thykingdomc come. t . TheCoherence'; THfis petition depends on the former moil excellently. Per in it is laid: downe themeaces to procure the fira. Gods name mull bee hallowed among i ntr., ; but how is it donc ? by the ercFting of Godskine,dome in the arts,