Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

X02 An expoJtianupon the Lardsprayer. heartsofinen. WecannotglorifieGodvntilihe rule inourheartsby hisword and fpirit. z. Themeaning. (Thy) This worddoth put vs inminde that there is twokingdotnes :,one Gods, and that is the kingdome ofheauen : the other the diuds,called the kingdoneofdarkneífe, Colofl: r.t I. For when all had finned inAdam, God laid thispuni(hment on all, that feting they could not beecontent to obey their Creator,they(houldbec in bondagevnderSatan : fathat bynature wee areall the children ofwrath, and thediuell holds vp the fcepterof his king- domein theheartsofmen. Thiskingdome -isfpirituall,and the pillersof it are ignorance, errour, impietie, andall difobedience toGod, in which the diuell vvhollydelights ; which alfo-areasit were the lawes ofhis kingdome.Blindig- norant peoplecannot abide this dodrine that the diuellfltouidrule in their hearts : they fpit at thenaming of him,and fay that they defie him with all their hearts:butwhereas they linein fine,andpradiifeit as'occafon is offe- red,though theycaiìnot,difcerneofthemfelues, yet they make plaine proofe, thattheyline in the kingdomeof finne and darknefle, and are flat vaffelsof Satan, and (hall focontinue till Chrifi the thongman come and binde him, andtalihimout. And this is the elate of all the childrenofAdam inthem- (clues.Whereforeour Saviour in this petition teacheth vs toconfider our na- turall elate, and to praythathe would gluevshisfpirit to fetvsat liberciein thekingdome ofhis ovinefonne (Kingdone) Gods kingdome in fcripturesis taken twowaits. Firfi gene- rally, and fo itfignifieth that .adinini(irationbywhichthe Lord gouerncth all chiugs,yca,cuen thediuels themfelues. Ofwhich kingdomemention is made in theendofthis prayer. And iti thePfalme97.verf; t:The Lord rsigneth, let tin earth re oyce. Againe, it is taken more fpecially, and then it fignifieth the adminiftration ofChri(ithe head ofthe Church,inwhich he tiameth men by his word and fpirit to thefubieéionofthe fameword. And fo it is taken in this petition. In a kingdome thereare fourethingstobe noted. r. Theremuff beaking. 2. There mullbe fubieas. 3. There arelawes. 4. Authoritie. luthiskingdomeChrif} is the king: it ishe to whom the father bath gluen all authorï.tie;inheavenand earth. In this kingdome ail arenot fubie&s, but fuck as are willing to give free and franke obedience toGodsword; orat the leafs thoughtheir hearts benot found,make anoutwardprofefsionofit. The lawes ofthis kingdome is the wordofGod in the booker of the olde and newTe(Iament. Therefore it iscalled ti a kingdomsofhe. amen, Match. The C4ellofthekigdoneMark. r.13.'Therodof hitmouth, Flay z t.4.7he arme ofGtdiEfay s 3.t .As aking byhis lawes brings hispeople inorder, and keepes them infubieóion : foCbtiil byhis word, and thepreaching oft, as it were