Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

AnExpofarionvpantheLûrdrpr.zÿer. V _- eewicked and thegodly,and their corrupt hearts tógether,wee (hall fee littie difference but in this, that thewicked is delighted andglad to finite : but the godly doe wraflle,as for life and deathwith their temptations, anddoe refit} the diuell, and doedelire the grace ofGods fpirit, and crie to heauen to bee freed from his bondage,howfoeuer their hearts are alvaies readie to rebel! a- gain!! God. 2. Forafinuchasthe kingdomeofgrace is ere6led in GodsChurch heere vponearth,in thispetitionwe arecommanded topray forthe Church of God, and theparts thereof, Pfal. r a 2.ver1:6. Prayfor thepeace ofHierufalem : they jhallprafper that louethee. Ffay.6z. y. rewhichare the Lords remernórancers, Sine himnq refi:,vntill hefetvp Hierufalem thepraifeoftheworld. And that Gods Church may flourifh and bee in good eflate, wee are to prayfor Chrif}ian Kings and Princes; that God would bleí% them, and en- creafethe number ofthelmFor they areasnurfingfathers,andne fngmothers to the Church.And weefpecially are boundtopray for theQueenes meul ex- cellentmaieflic,as Oft) for the French king,thatthey may be bleffed,andGods kingdomebythemaduanced. And againe,becaufe Miniflersare the Lords watchmen in theChurch, wee arehere alfo put in minde to feeke their good; and topray that their hearts maybee fetfor the building-ofGods kingdome,for the beating downe ofthe kingdome ofuinne and Satan, and for the fauing ofthe fòulcs ofhis people. And the rather,becaufe the dwelllaboureth night and daytooverthrow them in this glorious worke,and to refill them in their miniflerie : as appeareth in Zacharie 3.i. When Iofhua the high Priefl floode before the Angeli of the Lord, Satanftoodeat his right hand,namely, to refill him.Therefore,alfo wee are topray for them that the Lordwould keepe them, and furnifhthem with gifts,andwithall make them faithfull.Forwherevi/ìonfaileth,thepeopleare left naked, faithSalomon. 2.Thefl:3. i . Brethren,pray for vs that the ward of the Lordmay baue afreepafrigeandbtglorified. Thirdly, wee mull pray for.all Chriu}ian Schooles of learning. Howfoeuer fornethinkebut barelyof them: yetthey are the ordinarie meanes to main- taine the mioiflerie,and fo the Church of God. A man that hach dinersOr- chards,will altohaue a Scminarie fill ofyongplants tomaintaine it. Schooles, theyare as Seminaries to Gods Church, without which the Church falles to decay: becaufe theyferne tomake fupplieofininirters. 3. Thirdly,wee are todefire;that the Lord wouldhaflen the fecond corn- mingofthrill, as the Saints in heauenpray, ComeLord Tefus, comequ cf ie: and therefore the godly are laid to loue the comming ofChrif!. a.Tim4.8. A penitent frnnerfo abhors his ovine corruptions,and the irkefometemptations ofSatan,that in this refpet:t he defies that Chrif} would hau}en his particular comming to himbydeath : for noothercaufebut that hemight make an end of finning and difpleafngofGod. 0 o Thy.